Formation of a shock wave ahead of a moving piston in 1D

This setup illustrates a small example on the setup of a moving geometry. The fluid is initially in rest. A piston (geometry) is located in the middle area of the domain that has a length of 1.0. The piston moves with Mach 0.4 towards the right boundaty, due to the sudden movement, a shock is formed ahead of the piston. Behind the piston rarefaction can be observed. The piston is modelled as a porous medium. An exact solution can be found in literature for this test case e.g. in Toro. This test case is used to ensure conservation of mass, momentum and energy. If a shock is not formed ahead of the piston or it has a wronge velocity, conservation is not maintained.

The complete configuration is provided in ateles.lua:

logging = {level = 10}
--debug = {logging = {level=10}}

order = 16
degree = order - 1
nElems = 128
tmax= 5 * 1e-06
-- global simulation options
--wallclock = 2*60*60 - 4*60
sim_control = {
             time_control = {
                  min = 0,
                  max = tmax,
                  --max = {sim=tmax, clock = wallclock},
                  interval = {iter = 1},

check = {interval = 1}
---- Restart settings
NOrestart = { 
 -- read = './restart/ateles_lastHeader.lua',
  write = './restart/',
  time_control = {
    min = 0, 
    max = tmax,
    interval = tmax/20,
    align_trigger = {sim = true},

-- Segments for tracking-- 
segments = math.ceil(1.0/(1/nElems)) * (degree +1) * 4

-- tracking --
tracking = {
  { label = 'line',
    variable = {'density', 'pressure', 'velocity'},
    shape = {kind='canoND',
    object = { origin = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0},
               vec = {1.0, 0.0, 0.0},
               segments = {segments, segments, segments}},
   time_control = {
   min = 0, 
   max = tmax,
   interval = tmax
    folder = './',
    output = {format = 'asciiSpatial', use_get_point = true}
-- Mesh definitions --
mesh = {
  predefined = 'line_bounded',
  origin = {0.0},
  length = 1.0,
  element_count = nElems

--physical data
gamma = 1.4
velocityX = 150.0
dens = 1.0
press = 1.0e5
-- Define a piston inside the domain --
xmin = 0.4
xmax = 0.44

temp = press/(dens*(1.0/1.4)) 
vel_init = 0.0
c = math.sqrt((press*gamma)/dens)
u = velocityX
a = - (gamma/(2*c^2))*((4*c^2/gamma)+(gamma + 1) * u^2)
b = (gamma/(2*c^2))* ((2*c^2/gamma) - u^2*(gamma - 1))
p_ratio1 = -a/2 + math.sqrt((a/2)^2 - b)
p_ratio2 = -a/2 - math.sqrt((a/2)^2 - b)
density_ratio = (1 + ((gamma + 1)/(gamma - 1 ))* 
  math.max(p_ratio1,p_ratio2))/(((gamma + 1)/(gamma -1))+ 

densL = density_ratio * dens
pressL = math.max(p_ratio1,p_ratio2) * press

temperature_ratio = (1 +(pressL - press)/press ) * 
  ((2*gamma + (gamma-1)*((pressL-press)/press))/
  (2*gamma + (gamma+1)*((pressL - press)/press)))
tempL = temperature_ratio * temp

function inside_piston(x,y,z,t)
  xa = xmin + velocityX * t
  xb = xmax + velocityX * t
  if (xa <= x and x <= xb ) then
    return true
    return false

function velocityRelax(x,y,z,t)
    return velocityX

function temperature(x,y,z,t)
  xa = xmin + velocityX * t
  xb = xmax + velocityX * t
  diff_half = (xb -xa)/2
  if (x >= xa and  x <=(xa + diff_half)) then
    return temp
  elseif (x >(xa + diff_half) and x<=xb) then
    return tempL
    return temp

function characteristic(x,y,z,t)
  if inside_piston(x,y,z,t) then
    return 1.0
    return 0.0
dx = 0.00000001
variable = {
    name = 'Xi',
    ncomponents = 1,
    vartype = "st_fun",
    st_fun = {
      { const = 0.0 },
         fun   = characteristic,
         shape = {
           kind = 'canoND',
           object = {
             origin = {0.3 ,0.0, 0.0},
             vec = {
               { 0.6, 0.0, 0.0 },
               { 0.0, dx, 0.0 },
               { 0.0, 0.0, dx },
    name = 'relax_velocity',
    ncomponents = 1,
    vartype = "st_fun",
    st_fun = {
      { const = 0.0 },
         fun   = velocityRelax,
         shape = {
           kind = 'canoND',
           object = {
             origin = {0.3 ,0.0,0.0},
             vec = {
               { 0.6, 0.0, 0.0 },
               { 0.0, dx, 0.0 },
               { 0.0, 0.0, dx },
    name = 'relax_temperatur',
    ncomponents = 1,
    vartype = "st_fun",
    st_fun = {
      { const = 0.0 },
         fun   = temperature,
         shape = {
           kind = 'canoND',
           object = {
             origin = {0.3 ,0.0,0.0},
             vec = {
               { 0.6, 0.0, 0.0 },
               { 0.0, dx, 0.0 },
               { 0.0, 0.0, dx },
-- timing settings (i.e. output for performance measurements, this table is otional)
timing_file = 'timing.res'         -- the filename of the timing results

phi = 1.0
beta = 1e-6
eta_v = phi^2 * beta^2 
eta_t = 0.4 * phi * beta
-- Equation definitions --
equation = {
  name = 'euler_1d',
  numflux = 'hll',
  isen_coef = 1.4,
  r = 1.0/1.4,
  porosity             = phi,
  viscous_permeability = eta_v,
  thermal_permeability = eta_t,
  material = {
    characteristic = 'Xi',
    relax_velocity = 'relax_velocity',
    relax_temperature = 'relax_temperatur',
    modereduction = false,
-- (cv) heat capacity and (r) ideal gas constant
equation["cv"] = equation["r"] / (equation["isen_coef"] - 1.0)

-- Scheme definitions --
scheme = {
  -- the spatial discretization scheme
  spatial =  {
    name = 'modg_1d',
    modg_space = 'Q',
    m = degree,
  stabilization = {

    name = 'spectral_viscosity',
    alpha = 36,
    order = 24,
    isAdaptive = true,
    --recovery_order = 1.0e-4,
    recovery_density = 1.0e-1,
    recovery_pressure = 1.0e-1
  --   name = 'covolume',
  --   alpha = 36,
  --   order = 24,
  --   beta = 1.0 - 2.0/degree,
  -- },
  -- the temporal discretization scheme
  temporal = {
    name = 'imexRungeKutta',
    steps = 4,
    control = {
      name = 'cfl',
      cfl = 0.2, 
-- ...the general projection table
projection = {
  kind = 'l2p',
  material = {
    factor = 3.0 
vel_init = 0.0
c = math.sqrt((press*gamma)/dens)
u = velocityX
a = - (gamma/(2*c^2))*((4*c^2/gamma)+(gamma + 1) * u^2)
b = (gamma/(2*c^2))* ((2*c^2/gamma) - u^2*(gamma - 1))
p_ratio1 = -a/2 + math.sqrt((a/2)^2 - b)
p_ratio2 = -a/2 - math.sqrt((a/2)^2 - b)
density_ratio = (1 + ((gamma + 1)/(gamma - 1 ))* math.max(p_ratio1,p_ratio2))/
                 (((gamma + 1)/(gamma -1))+ math.max(p_ratio1,p_ratio2))

densL = density_ratio * dens
pressL = math.max(p_ratio1,p_ratio2) * press
ushock= (u/c)/(1 - density_ratio^(-1))* c
velocity_2 = ushock - u
velocity_1 = ushock
x_position = 0.44 + ushock*tmax 

-- Initial condition
function iniVel(x,y,z,t)
  if inside_piston(x,y,z,0.0) then
    return velocityX
    return 0.0

function inipress(x,y,z,t)
  if (x > 0.42 and x < 0.44) then
    return pressL
    return press

function inidens(x,y,z,t)
  if (x > 0.42 and x < 0.44) then
    return densL
    return dens

initial_condition = {
  density = inidens, 
  pressure = inipress, 
  velocity = iniVel,

 -- Boundary definitions
boundary_condition = {
    label = 'west',
    kind = 'outflow',
    pressure = press,
    label = 'east',
    kind = 'outflow',
    pressure = press,
  1. Projection: l2p

  2. Polynomial representation: Q

  3. Filtering: spectral_viscosity

  4. Timestepping: imexRungeKutta, 4 steps

  5. Boundary conditions: outflow

  6. Others: porous material (geometry), over-integration for the geometry (Piston) lua function for geometry definition