P-polynomial space

This setup illustrates the use of P-polynomial space in the scheme definition. It simulates a layer of higher velocity fluid embedded in a fluid at rest inside a rectangular channel, periodic in X.

P-Polynomials decrease the amount of memory required to represent the state, without decreasing the spatial convergence order of the scheme. It also decreases the amount of computations, but access patterns are less optimal and many operations internally will resort to the full Q-Representation. The advantage of P-Polynomials gets more pronounced the higher the polynomial degree.

Find the configuration in ateles.lua:

-- Euler 3D setup that employs the P-polynomial strategy --
-- This setup simulates a plane of higher velocity fluid
-- in an otherwise still fluid within a rectangular tube.
-- It's main purpose is to show the use of P-polynomials
-- for the construction of the multidimensional polynomials.
require 'hyperfun'

-- ...the length of the cube
cubeLength = 2.0

-- global simulation options
simulation_name = 'shear_layer_modg' -- the name of the simualtion
sim_control = {
  time_control = {
    min = 0.0,
    max = 1.0e-05

-- Mesh definitions --
mesh = 'mesh/'

-- Tracking
tracking = {
  label = 'probe_momentum_P8',
  folder = './',
  variable = {'momentum'},
  shape = {kind = 'canoND', object= { origin ={0., 0., 0.} } },
  time_control = {
    min = 0,
    max = sim_control.time_control.max,
    interval = sim_control.time_control.max/2.0
  output = { format = 'ascii', ndofs = 1 }

-- the filename of the timing results i.e. output for performance measurements
timing_file = 'timing.res'

-- Equation definitions --
equation = {
    name       = 'euler',
    isen_coef  = 1.4,
    r          = 296.0,
    material = {
      characteristic = 0,
      relax_velocity = {0,0,0},
      relax_temperature = 0
-- (cv) heat capacity and (r) ideal gas constant
equation["cv"] = equation["r"] / (equation["isen_coef"] - 1.0)

-- Scheme definitions --
scheme = {
  -- the spatial discretization scheme
  spatial =  {
    name = 'modg',
    modg_space = 'P',
    m =  7
  -- the temporal discretization scheme
  temporal = {
    name = 'explicitRungeKutta',
    steps = 4,
    -- how to control the timestep
    control = {
       name = 'cfl',
       cfl  = 0.6

projection = {
  kind = 'fpt',
  factor = 1.0

width = 0.07
xDist = 0.1
vel =  50.0
periods = 2

initial_condition = {
  density = 1.225,
  pressure = 100000,
  --velocityX = iniVelX,
  velocityX = function(x,y,z)
    center = math.sin(periods*math.pi*x)*xDist
    return vel*tanh((y-center)/width)
  velocityY = 0.0,
  velocityZ = 0.0

-- Boundary definitions
boundary_condition = {
    label = 'slipSouth',
    kind = 'slipwall'
    label = 'slipNorth',
    kind = 'slipwall',
    label = 'slipTop',
    kind = 'slipwall',
    label = 'slipBottom',
    kind = 'slipwall',
  1. Projection: fpt

  2. Polynomial representation: P

  3. Filtering: -

  4. Timestepping: explicitRungeKutta, 4 steps

  5. Boundary conditions: slipwall