notEqual_array Function

private pure function notEqual_array(a, b) result(res)

Relational operator to test the not-equality of two floating point arrays.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: a(:)

Floating point array to be compared.

real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: b(:)

Floating point array to be compared.

Return Value logical

The result is a logical value indicating whether the operands are not equal to within numerical precision.


proc~~notequal_array~~CallsGraph proc~notequal_array notEqual_array proc~equal_array equal_array proc~notequal_array->proc~equal_array proc~equal equal proc~equal_array->proc~equal

Called by

proc~~notequal_array~~CalledByGraph proc~notequal_array notEqual_array interface~operator (.fne.) operator (.fne.) interface~operator (.fne.)->proc~notequal_array
