tem_reqDep_up Function

private function tem_reqDep_up(leftPrp, rightPrp) result(reqDep)

Function to check if a face with given left and right property requires a upward (fine->coarse) dependency.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer, intent(in) :: leftPrp

Left property of the face.

integer, intent(in) :: rightPrp

Right property of the face.

Return Value logical

Does the face requires a vertical dependency.

Called by

proc~~tem_reqdep_up~~CalledByGraph proc~tem_reqdep_up tem_reqDep_up proc~tem_facedep_verticalup tem_faceDep_verticalUp proc~tem_facedep_verticalup->proc~tem_reqdep_up proc~tem_facedep_vertical tem_faceDep_vertical proc~tem_facedep_vertical->proc~tem_facedep_verticalup proc~tem_build_face_info tem_build_face_info proc~tem_build_face_info->proc~tem_facedep_vertical


Source Code

Source Code

  function tem_reqDep_up(leftPrp, rightPrp) result( reqDep )
    ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    !> Left property of the face.
    integer, intent(in) :: leftPrp
    !> Right property of the face.
    integer, intent(in) :: rightPrp
    !> Does the face requires a vertical dependency.
    logical :: reqDep
    ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------

    reqDep = .false.

    ! Check if one of the face properties (left or right) has the from coarser
    ! property.
    if ( iand(tem_fromCoarserFace_prp,leftPrp)/=0  &
      &  .or.                                      &
      &  iand(tem_fromCoarserFace_prp,rightPrp)/=0 ) then
      reqDep = .true.
    end if

  end function tem_reqDep_up