Compiler Support

Aotus relies on the ISO-C-Binding of the Fortran 2003 standard, and therefore requires relatively new compiler versions. However a wide range of different compilers are known to compile the library.

  • Cray: Known to work with version 7.4.0 and newer.

  • GNU gfortran: Known to work with version 4.4.5 and newer.

  • IBM: Known to work with version 11.1.

  • Intel: Known to work with version 12.0 and newer.

  • NAG: Known to work with version 5.2. and newer.

  • NEC: Known to work with the NEC Fortran 2003 Compiler Rev.003 2014/07/31.

  • PGI: Known to work with pgfortan version 15.7.