aot_top_get_string Subroutine

private subroutine aot_top_get_string(val, ErrCode, L, default)

Interpret topmost entry on Lua stack as a single precision real.


character(len=*) :: val

Value of the Variable in the script

integer, intent(out) :: ErrCode

Error code to indicate what kind of problem might have occured.

type(flu_State) :: L

Handle to the Lua script

character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: default

Some default value, that should be used, if the variable is not set in the Lua script.


proc~~aot_top_get_string~~CallsGraph proc~aot_top_get_string aot_top_get_string flu_isstring flu_isstring proc~aot_top_get_string->flu_isstring proc~flu_tolstring flu_tolstring proc~aot_top_get_string->proc~flu_tolstring flu_isnoneornil flu_isnoneornil proc~aot_top_get_string->flu_isnoneornil proc~flu_pop flu_pop proc~aot_top_get_string->proc~flu_pop interface~lua_tolstring lua_tolstring proc~flu_tolstring->interface~lua_tolstring interface~lua_settop lua_settop proc~flu_pop->interface~lua_settop

Called by

proc~~aot_top_get_string~~CalledByGraph proc~aot_top_get_string aot_top_get_string interface~aot_top_get_val aot_top_get_val interface~aot_top_get_val->proc~aot_top_get_string



logical, private :: not_retrievable
character, private, pointer:: cstring(:)
integer, private :: i
integer, private :: StrLen
integer, private :: StrLimit