aot_out_module.f90 Source File

This file depends on

sourcefile~~aot_out_module.f90~~EfferentGraph sourcefile~aot_out_module.f90 aot_out_module.f90 sourcefile~flu_kinds_module.f90 flu_kinds_module.f90 sourcefile~aot_out_module.f90->sourcefile~flu_kinds_module.f90 sourcefile~aot_quadruple_out_module.f90 aot_quadruple_out_module.f90 sourcefile~aot_out_module.f90->sourcefile~aot_quadruple_out_module.f90 sourcefile~aot_extdouble_out_module.f90 aot_extdouble_out_module.f90 sourcefile~aot_out_module.f90->sourcefile~aot_extdouble_out_module.f90 sourcefile~aot_out_general_module.f90 aot_out_general_module.f90 sourcefile~aot_out_module.f90->sourcefile~aot_out_general_module.f90 sourcefile~aot_quadruple_out_module.f90->sourcefile~aot_out_general_module.f90 sourcefile~aot_quadruple_top_module.f90 aot_quadruple_top_module.f90 sourcefile~aot_quadruple_out_module.f90->sourcefile~aot_quadruple_top_module.f90 sourcefile~aot_extdouble_out_module.f90->sourcefile~aot_out_general_module.f90 sourcefile~aot_extdouble_top_module.f90 aot_extdouble_top_module.f90 sourcefile~aot_extdouble_out_module.f90->sourcefile~aot_extdouble_top_module.f90 sourcefile~flu_binding.f90 flu_binding.f90 sourcefile~aot_extdouble_top_module.f90->sourcefile~flu_binding.f90 sourcefile~aot_err_module.f90 aot_err_module.f90 sourcefile~aot_extdouble_top_module.f90->sourcefile~aot_err_module.f90 sourcefile~aot_quadruple_top_module.f90->sourcefile~flu_binding.f90 sourcefile~aot_quadruple_top_module.f90->sourcefile~aot_err_module.f90 sourcefile~flu_binding.f90->sourcefile~flu_kinds_module.f90 sourcefile~lua_fif.f90 lua_fif.f90 sourcefile~flu_binding.f90->sourcefile~lua_fif.f90 sourcefile~dump_lua_fif_module.f90 dump_lua_fif_module.f90 sourcefile~flu_binding.f90->sourcefile~dump_lua_fif_module.f90 sourcefile~lua_parameters.f90 lua_parameters.f90 sourcefile~flu_binding.f90->sourcefile~lua_parameters.f90 sourcefile~aot_err_module.f90->sourcefile~flu_binding.f90 sourcefile~lua_fif.f90->sourcefile~lua_parameters.f90


Source Code

Source Code

! Copyright (c) 2012-2014, 2016-2018 Harald Klimach <>
! Copyright (c) 2012 Manuel Hasert <>
! Copyright (c) 2012 Kartik Jain <>
! Copyright (c) 2012 Simon Zimny <>
! Copyright (c) 2016 Kannan Masilamani <>
! Parts of this file were written by Harald Klimach, Manuel Hasert, Kartik Jain
! and Simon Zimny for German Research School of Simulation Sciences.
! Parts of this file were written by Kannan Masilamani and Harald Klimach for
! University of Siegen.
! Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
! of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
! in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
! to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
! copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
! furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
! The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
! all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
! **************************************************************************** !

!> A module to produce Lua scripts with nested tables.
!! This module eases the output of readable Lua scripts.
!! It takes care of indentation with nested tables, and provides a concise
!! interface to output Fortran data into Lua tables.
!! Therefore this module is somehow the counter-part to the reading functions,
!! however it is almost completely independent and relies purely on Fortran
!! output methods. Thus this module could stand alone, along with the
!! flu_kinds_module without the Lua library.
module aot_out_module
  use flu_kinds_module, only: double_k, single_k, int_k, long_k
  use aot_out_general_module, only: aot_out_type, aot_out_open, aot_out_close, &
    &                               aot_out_open_table, aot_out_close_table, &
    &                               aot_out_breakline, aot_out_toChunk

  ! Include interfaces for quadruple precision if available.
  use aot_quadruple_out_module

  ! Support for extended double precision.
  use aot_extdouble_out_module

  implicit none

  public :: aot_out_type
  public :: aot_out_val
  public :: aot_out_open
  public :: aot_out_close
  public :: aot_out_open_table
  public :: aot_out_close_table
  public :: aot_out_toChunk

  !> Put Fortran intrinsic types into the script.
  !! Scalar values and one-dimensional arrays are supported.
  !! Supported data-types are
  !! - integer
  !! - integer(kind=long_k)
  !! - real
  !! - real(kind=double_k)
  !! - logical
  !! - character(len=*)
  !! complex values are not supported, as they are indistinguishable from
  !! arrays with two entries on the Lua side.
  interface aot_out_val
    ! scalars
    module procedure aot_out_val_int
    module procedure aot_out_val_long
    module procedure aot_out_val_real
    module procedure aot_out_val_double
    module procedure aot_out_val_logical
    module procedure aot_out_val_string

    ! arrays
    module procedure aot_out_val_arr_int
    module procedure aot_out_val_arr_long
    module procedure aot_out_val_arr_real
    module procedure aot_out_val_arr_double
    module procedure aot_out_val_arr_logical
    module procedure aot_out_val_arr_string
  end interface



! *****************************************************************************!
  !>  Put integer variables into the Lua script.
  !! The value is passed in with val, optionally you can assign a name to it
  !! with the vname argument. If it should be put on the same line as the
  !! previous entry, you have to set advance_previous=.false.
  subroutine aot_out_val_int(put_conf, val, vname, advance_previous)
    type(aot_out_type), intent(inout)  :: put_conf
    character(len=*), optional, intent(in) :: vname
    logical, optional, intent(in) :: advance_previous
    integer(kind=int_k), intent(in) :: val
    character(len=3) :: adv_string

    if (put_conf%level > 0) then
      ! Leave the advancing to the next entry in the table.
      adv_string = 'no'
      ! Not within a table, finalize the global definition with a newline.
      adv_string = 'yes'
    end if

    call aot_out_breakline(put_conf, advance_previous)

    if (present(vname)) then
      write(put_conf%outunit, fmt="(a,i0)", advance=adv_string) &
        & trim(vname)//" = ", val
      write(put_conf%outunit, fmt="(i0)", advance=adv_string) val
    end if

  end subroutine aot_out_val_int
! *****************************************************************************!

! *****************************************************************************!
  !>  Put long variables into the Lua script.
  !! The value is passed in with val, optionally you can assign a name to it
  !! with the vname argument. If it should be put on the same line as the
  !! previous entry, you have to set advance_previous=.false.
  subroutine aot_out_val_long(put_conf, val, vname, advance_previous)
    type(aot_out_type), intent(inout)  :: put_conf
    character(len=*), optional, intent(in) :: vname
    logical, optional, intent(in) :: advance_previous
    integer(kind=long_k), intent(in) :: val
    character(len=3) :: adv_string

    if (put_conf%level > 0) then
      ! Leave the advancing to the next entry in the table.
      adv_string = 'no'
      ! Not within a table, finalize the global definition with a newline.
      adv_string = 'yes'
    end if

    call aot_out_breakline(put_conf, advance_previous)

    if (present(vname)) then
      write(put_conf%outunit, fmt="(a,i0)", advance=adv_string) &
        & trim(vname)//" = ", val
      write(put_conf%outunit, fmt="(i0)", advance=adv_string) val
    end if

  end subroutine aot_out_val_long
! *****************************************************************************!

! *****************************************************************************!
  !>  Put real variables into the Lua script.
  !! The value is passed in with val, optionally you can assign a name to it
  !! with the vname argument. If it should be put on the same line as the
  !! previous entry, you have to set advance_previous=.false.
  subroutine aot_out_val_real(put_conf, val, vname, advance_previous)
    type(aot_out_type), intent(inout)  :: put_conf
    character(len=*), optional, intent(in) :: vname
    logical, optional, intent(in) :: advance_previous
    real(kind=single_k), intent(in) :: val
    character(len=3) :: adv_string

    if (put_conf%level > 0) then
      ! Leave the advancing to the next entry in the table.
      adv_string = 'no'
      ! Not within a table, finalize the global definition with a newline.
      adv_string = 'yes'
    end if

    call aot_out_breakline(put_conf, advance_previous)

    if (present(vname)) then
      write(put_conf%outunit, fmt="(a,f16.7)", advance=adv_string) &
        & trim(vname)//" = ", val
      write(put_conf%outunit, fmt="(EN16.7)", advance=adv_string) val
    end if

  end subroutine aot_out_val_real
! *****************************************************************************!

! *****************************************************************************!
  !>  Put double variables into the Lua script.
  !! The value is passed in with val, optionally you can assign a name to it
  !! with the vname argument. If it should be put on the same line as the
  !! previous entry, you have to set advance_previous=.false.
  subroutine aot_out_val_double(put_conf, val, vname, advance_previous)
    type(aot_out_type), intent(inout)  :: put_conf
    character(len=*), optional, intent(in) :: vname
    logical, optional, intent(in) :: advance_previous
    real(kind=double_k), intent(in) :: val
    character(len=3) :: adv_string

    if (put_conf%level > 0) then
      ! Leave the advancing to the next entry in the table.
      adv_string = 'no'
      ! Not within a table, finalize the global definition with a newline.
      adv_string = 'yes'
    end if

    call aot_out_breakline(put_conf, advance_previous)

    if (present(vname)) then
      write(put_conf%outunit, fmt="(a,EN24.15)", advance=adv_string) &
        & trim(vname)//" = ", val
      write(put_conf%outunit, fmt="(EN24.15)", advance=adv_string) val
    end if

  end subroutine aot_out_val_double
! *****************************************************************************!

! *****************************************************************************!
  !>  Put logical variables into the Lua script.
  !! The value is passed in with val, optionally you can assign a name to it
  !! with the vname argument. If it should be put on the same line as the
  !! previous entry, you have to set advance_previous=.false.
  subroutine aot_out_val_logical(put_conf, val, vname, advance_previous)
    type(aot_out_type), intent(inout)  :: put_conf
    character(len=*), optional, intent(in) :: vname
    logical, intent(in) :: val
    logical, optional, intent(in) :: advance_previous
    character(len=3) :: adv_string
    character(len=5) :: valstring

    if (put_conf%level > 0) then
      ! Leave the advancing to the next entry in the table.
      adv_string = 'no'
      ! Not within a table, finalize the global definition with a newline.
      adv_string = 'yes'
    end if

    call aot_out_breakline(put_conf, advance_previous)

    if (val) then
      valstring = 'true'
      valstring = 'false'
    end if

    if (present(vname)) then
      write(put_conf%outunit, fmt="(a)", advance=adv_string) &
        &   trim(vname)//" = "//trim(valstring)
      write(put_conf%outunit, fmt="(a)", advance=adv_string) trim(valstring)
    end if

  end subroutine aot_out_val_logical
! *****************************************************************************!

! *****************************************************************************!
  !>  Put string variables into the Lua script.
  !! The value is passed in with val, optionally you can assign a name to it
  !! with the vname argument. If it should be put on the same line as the
  !! previous entry, you have to set advance_previous=.false.
  subroutine aot_out_val_string(put_conf, val, vname, advance_previous)
    type(aot_out_type), intent(inout)  :: put_conf
    character(len=*), optional, intent(in) :: vname
    character(len=*), intent(in) :: val
    logical, optional, intent(in) :: advance_previous
    character(len=3) :: adv_string

    if (put_conf%level > 0) then
      ! Leave the advancing to the next entry in the table.
      adv_string = 'no'
      ! Not within a table, finalize the global definition with a newline.
      adv_string = 'yes'
    end if

    call aot_out_breakline(put_conf, advance_previous)

    if (present(vname)) then
      write(put_conf%outunit, fmt="(a)", advance=adv_string) &
        & trim(vname)//" = '"//trim(val)//"'"
      write(put_conf%outunit, fmt="(a)", advance=adv_string) &
        &  "'"//trim(val)//"'"
    end if

  end subroutine aot_out_val_string
! *****************************************************************************!

! *****************************************************************************!
  !> This is a vectorized version of the value output.
  !! It takes a one-dimensional array and puts it into a table. The parameters
  !! have the usual meanings, as in the scalar routines, however and additional
  !! argument (max_per_line) allows the specification of the number of elements
  !! that might be put onto a single line.
  !! The first entry will be placed into the same line as the opening brace, and
  !! the closing brace will be put on the same line, as the last entry.
  subroutine aot_out_val_arr_int(put_conf, val, vname, advance_previous, &
    &                            max_per_line)
    !> Lua script to write the array into.
    type(aot_out_type), intent(inout)  :: put_conf

    !> Name for this array
    character(len=*), optional, intent(in) :: vname

    !> Actual data to write into the script
    integer(kind=int_k), intent(in) :: val(:)

    !> Flag if this array should be put on the same line as the last entry of
    !! the parent table.
    logical, optional, intent(in) :: advance_previous

    !> Maximal number of entries to put into a single line.
    !! Defaults to 8.
    integer, optional, intent(in) :: max_per_line
    integer :: i
    integer :: nVals
    integer :: mpl
    logical :: bline

    if (present(max_per_line)) then
      mpl = max_per_line
      mpl = 8
    end if

    ! Opening the table(subtable for array actually)
    call aot_out_open_table(put_conf, vname, &
      &                     advance_previous = advance_previous)

    nVals = size(val)
    if (nVals > 0) then
      ! Always put the first entry on the same line as the opening brace.
      call aot_out_val(put_conf, val(1), advance_previous = .false.)

      do i=2,nVals
        ! Output each entry and break the line after mpl entries on a line.
        bline = (mod(i-1, mpl) == 0)
        call aot_out_val(put_conf, val(i), advance_previous = bline)
      end do
    end if

    ! Always put the closing brace on the same line as the last entry.
    call aot_out_close_table(put_conf, advance_previous = .false.)

  end subroutine aot_out_val_arr_int
! *****************************************************************************!

! *****************************************************************************!
  !> This is a vectorized version of the value output.
  !! It takes a one-dimensional array and puts it into a table. The parameters
  !! have the usual meanings, as in the scalar routines, however and additional
  !! argument (max_per_line) allows the specification of the number of elements
  !! that might be put onto a single line.
  !! The first entry will be placed into the same line as the opening brace, and
  !! the closing brace will be put on the same line, as the last entry.
  subroutine aot_out_val_arr_long(put_conf, val, vname, advance_previous, &
    &                             max_per_line)
    !> Lua script to write the array into.
    type(aot_out_type), intent(inout)  :: put_conf

    !> Name for this array
    character(len=*), optional, intent(in) :: vname

    !> Actual data to write into the script
    integer(kind=long_k), intent(in) :: val(:)

    !> Flag if this array should be put on the same line as the last entry of
    !! the parent table.
    logical, optional, intent(in) :: advance_previous

    !> Maximal number of entries to put into a single line.
    !! Defaults to 8.
    integer, optional, intent(in) :: max_per_line
    integer :: i
    integer :: nVals
    integer :: mpl
    logical :: bline

    if (present(max_per_line)) then
      mpl = max_per_line
      mpl = 8
    end if

    ! Opening the table(subtable for array actually)
    call aot_out_open_table(put_conf, vname, &
      &                     advance_previous = advance_previous)

    nVals = size(val)
    if (nVals > 0) then
      ! Always put the first entry on the same line as the opening brace.
      call aot_out_val(put_conf, val(1), advance_previous = .false.)

      do i=2,nVals
        ! Output each entry and break the line after mpl entries on a line.
        bline = (mod(i-1, mpl) == 0)
        call aot_out_val(put_conf, val(i), advance_previous = bline)
      end do
    end if

    ! Always put the closing brace on the same line as the last entry.
    call aot_out_close_table(put_conf, advance_previous = .false.)

  end subroutine aot_out_val_arr_long
! *****************************************************************************!

! *****************************************************************************!
  !> This is a vectorized version of the value output.
  !! It takes a one-dimensional array and puts it into a table. The parameters
  !! have the usual meanings, as in the scalar routines, however and additional
  !! argument (max_per_line) allows the specification of the number of elements
  !! that might be put onto a single line.
  !! The first entry will be placed into the same line as the opening brace, and
  !! the closing brace will be put on the same line, as the last entry.
  subroutine aot_out_val_arr_real(put_conf, val, vname, advance_previous, &
    &                             max_per_line)
    !> Lua script to write the array into.
    type(aot_out_type), intent(inout)  :: put_conf

    !> Name for this array
    character(len=*), optional, intent(in) :: vname

    !> Actual data to write into the script
    real(kind=single_k), intent(in) :: val(:)

    !> Flag if this array should be put on the same line as the last entry of
    !! the parent table.
    logical, optional, intent(in) :: advance_previous

    !> Maximal number of entries to put into a single line.
    !! Defaults to 5.
    integer, optional, intent(in) :: max_per_line
    integer :: i
    integer :: nVals
    integer :: mpl
    logical :: bline

    if (present(max_per_line)) then
      mpl = max_per_line
      mpl = 5
    end if

    ! Opening the table(subtable for array actually)
    call aot_out_open_table(put_conf, vname, &
      &                     advance_previous = advance_previous)

    nVals = size(val)
    if (nVals > 0) then
      ! Always put the first entry on the same line as the opening brace.
      call aot_out_val(put_conf, val(1), advance_previous = .false.)

      do i=2,nVals
        ! Output each entry and break the line after mpl entries on a line.
        bline = (mod(i-1, mpl) == 0)
        call aot_out_val(put_conf, val(i), advance_previous = bline)
      end do
    end if

    ! Always put the closing brace on the same line as the last entry.
    call aot_out_close_table(put_conf, advance_previous = .false.)

  end subroutine aot_out_val_arr_real
! *****************************************************************************!

! *****************************************************************************!
  !> This is a vectorized version of the value output.
  !! It takes a one-dimensional array and puts it into a table. The parameters
  !! have the usual meanings, as in the scalar routines, however and additional
  !! argument (max_per_line) allows the specification of the number of elements
  !! that might be put onto a single line.
  !! The first entry will be placed into the same line as the opening brace, and
  !! the closing brace will be put on the same line, as the last entry.
  subroutine aot_out_val_arr_double(put_conf, val, vname, advance_previous, &
    &                               max_per_line)
    !> Lua script to write the array into.
    type(aot_out_type), intent(inout)  :: put_conf

    !> Name for this array
    character(len=*), optional, intent(in) :: vname

    !> Actual data to write into the script
    real(kind=double_k), intent(in) :: val(:)

    !> Flag if this array should be put on the same line as the last entry of
    !! the parent table.
    logical, optional, intent(in) :: advance_previous

    !> Maximal number of entries to put into a single line.
    !! Defaults to 3.
    integer, optional, intent(in) :: max_per_line
    integer :: i
    integer :: nVals
    integer :: mpl
    logical :: bline

    if (present(max_per_line)) then
      mpl = max_per_line
      mpl = 3
    end if

    ! Opening the table(subtable for array actually)
    call aot_out_open_table(put_conf, vname, &
      &                     advance_previous = advance_previous)

    nVals = size(val)
    if (nVals > 0) then
      ! Always put the first entry on the same line as the opening brace.
      call aot_out_val(put_conf, val(1), advance_previous = .false.)

      do i=2,nVals
        ! Output each entry and break the line after mpl entries on a line.
        bline = (mod(i-1, mpl) == 0)
        call aot_out_val(put_conf, val(i), advance_previous = bline)
      end do
    end if

    ! Always put the closing brace on the same line as the last entry.
    call aot_out_close_table(put_conf, advance_previous = .false.)

  end subroutine aot_out_val_arr_double
! *****************************************************************************!

! *****************************************************************************!
  !> This is a vectorized version of the value output.
  !! It takes a one-dimensional array and puts it into a table. The parameters
  !! have the usual meanings, as in the scalar routines, however and additional
  !! argument (max_per_line) allows the specification of the number of elements
  !! that might be put onto a single line.
  !! The first entry will be placed into the same line as the opening brace, and
  !! the closing brace will be put on the same line, as the last entry.
  subroutine aot_out_val_arr_logical(put_conf, val, vname, advance_previous, &
    &                                max_per_line)
    !> Lua script to write the array into.
    type(aot_out_type), intent(inout)  :: put_conf

    !> Name for this array
    character(len=*), optional, intent(in) :: vname

    !> Actual data to write into the script
    logical, intent(in) :: val(:)

    !> Flag if this array should be put on the same line as the last entry of
    !! the parent table.
    logical, optional, intent(in) :: advance_previous

    !> Maximal number of entries to put into a single line.
    !! Defaults to 10.
    integer, optional, intent(in) :: max_per_line
    integer :: i
    integer :: nVals
    integer :: mpl
    logical :: bline

    if (present(max_per_line)) then
      mpl = max_per_line
      mpl = 10
    end if

    ! Opening the table(subtable for array actually)
    call aot_out_open_table(put_conf, vname, &
      &                     advance_previous = advance_previous)

    nVals = size(val)
    if (nVals > 0) then
      ! Always put the first entry on the same line as the opening brace.
      call aot_out_val(put_conf, val(1), advance_previous = .false.)

      do i=2,nVals
        ! Output each entry and break the line after mpl entries on a line.
        bline = (mod(i-1, mpl) == 0)
        call aot_out_val(put_conf, val(i), advance_previous = bline)
      end do
    end if

    ! Always put the closing brace on the same line as the last entry.
    call aot_out_close_table(put_conf, advance_previous = .false.)

  end subroutine aot_out_val_arr_logical
! *****************************************************************************!

! *****************************************************************************!
  !> This is a vectorized version of the value output.
  !! It takes a one-dimensional array and puts it into a table. The parameters
  !! have the usual meanings, as in the scalar routines, however and additional
  !! argument (max_per_line) allows the specification of the number of elements
  !! that might be put onto a single line.
  !! The first entry will be placed into the same line as the opening brace, and
  !! the closing brace will be put on the same line, as the last entry.
  subroutine aot_out_val_arr_string(put_conf, val, vname, advance_previous, &
    &                                max_per_line)
    !> Lua script to write the array into.
    type(aot_out_type), intent(inout)  :: put_conf

    !> Name for this array
    character(len=*), optional, intent(in) :: vname

    !> Actual data to write into the script
    character(len=*), intent(in) :: val(:)

    !> Flag if this array should be put on the same line as the last entry of
    !! the parent table.
    logical, optional, intent(in) :: advance_previous

    !> Maximal number of entries to put into a single line.
    !! Defaults to 1.
    integer, optional, intent(in) :: max_per_line
    integer :: i
    integer :: nVals
    integer :: mpl
    logical :: bline

    if (present(max_per_line)) then
      mpl = max_per_line
      mpl = 1
    end if

    ! Opening the table(subtable for array actually)
    call aot_out_open_table(put_conf, vname, &
      &                     advance_previous = advance_previous)

    nVals = size(val)
    if (nVals > 0) then
      ! Always put the first entry on the same line as the opening brace.
      call aot_out_val(put_conf, trim(val(1)), advance_previous = .false.)

      do i=2,nVals
        ! Output each entry and break the line after mpl entries on a line.
        bline = (mod(i-1, mpl) == 0)
        call aot_out_val(put_conf, trim(val(i)), advance_previous = bline)
      end do
    end if

    ! Always put the closing brace on the same line as the last entry.
    call aot_out_close_table(put_conf, advance_previous = .false.)

  end subroutine aot_out_val_arr_string
! *****************************************************************************!

end module aot_out_module