resize Interface

public interface resize


interface~~resize~~CallsGraph interface~resize resize proc~tem_resizeintlong1darray tem_resizeIntLong1dArray interface~resize->proc~tem_resizeintlong1darray proc~tem_resizeint1darray tem_resizeInt1dArray interface~resize->proc~tem_resizeint1darray proc~tem_resizedp2darray tem_resizeDp2dArray interface~resize->proc~tem_resizedp2darray proc~tem_resizedp1darray tem_resizeDp1dArray interface~resize->proc~tem_resizedp1darray proc~tem_resizeintlong2darray tem_resizeIntLong2dArray interface~resize->proc~tem_resizeintlong2darray proc~tem_resizeint2darray tem_resizeInt2dArray interface~resize->proc~tem_resizeint2darray


Module Procedures

private subroutine tem_resizeInt1dArray(Array, Newsize)

append an entry to an allocatable array 1d with integer If the array is too small, reallocate with double size


integer(kind=int_k), intent(inout), allocatable:: Array(:)

array to resize

integer, intent(in) :: Newsize

new size of the array

private subroutine tem_resizeInt2dArray(Array, Newsize1, Newsize2)

append an entry to an allocatable array 2d with integer If the array is too small, reallocate with double size


integer(kind=int_k), intent(inout), allocatable:: Array(:,:)

array to resize

integer, intent(in) :: Newsize1

first new size

integer, intent(in) :: Newsize2

second new size

private subroutine tem_resizeIntLong1dArray(Array, Newsize)

append an entry to an allocatable array 1d with long integer If the array is too small, reallocate with double size


integer(kind=long_k), intent(inout), allocatable:: Array(:)

array to resize

integer, intent(in) :: Newsize

new size of the array

private subroutine tem_resizeIntLong2dArray(Array, Newsize1, Newsize2)

append an entry to an allocatable array 2d with long integer If the array is too small, reallocate with double size


integer(kind=long_k), intent(inout), allocatable:: Array(:,:)

array to resize

integer, intent(in) :: Newsize1

first new size

integer, intent(in) :: Newsize2

second new size

private subroutine tem_resizeDp1dArray(Array, Newsize)

append an entry to an allocatable array 1d with integer If the array is too small, reallocate with double size


real(kind=rk), intent(inout), allocatable:: Array(:)

array to resize

integer, intent(in) :: Newsize

new size of the array

private subroutine tem_resizeDp2dArray(Array, Newsize1, Newsize2)

append an entry to an allocatable array 2d with integer If the array is too small, reallocate with double size


real(kind=rk), intent(inout), allocatable:: Array(:,:)

array to resize

integer, intent(in) :: Newsize1

first new size

integer, intent(in) :: Newsize2

second new size