This function defines the density of the spinning (= co-rotating) vortex pair See the matlab file where the pressure is plot in the ase-testcases/ repo in musubi/crvp/matlab/crvp_velPress_plot.m
As a reference, see [1] R. Fortenbach, 'Mehrskalenmodellierung von aeroakustischen Quellen in schwach kompressiblen Stroemungen,' pp. 1-151, Jul. 2006.
Source: complex velocity potential of both vortices
complex coordinates:
z = x+i*y
Gamma ... circulation
b = r0*exp(i*omega*t) ... rotation orbit
w(z,t) = Gamma/(2Pi*i)*ln(z^2-b^2) ... potential function
dw/dz = Gamma/(2Pi*i)*z/(z^2-b^2) ... derivative of potential
u = Re( dw/dz( z, t=0 ) ... x -velocity
v = -Im( dw/dz( z, t=0 ) ... y -velocity
u0 = Gamma/(4Pi*r0) ... rotation velocity at center of each
omega = 2Pi/T0 = u0/r0 = Gamma/(4Pi*ro^2) ... rotation angular frequency
Ma = u0/cs ... rotation Mach number
rho = rho0 - Ma^2*rho0/cs^2*( Re{ -omega*Gamma/Pi * b^2/(z^2-b^2)}
+ (u^2+v^2)/2 )
Unit of the result is in kg/m^3, as the coordinates are given in physical coordinates and hence all other parameters also have to be physical ones
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
type(ic_2dcrvp_type), | intent(in) | :: | me |
global gauss pulse data |
real(kind=rk), | intent(in) | :: | coord(n,3) |
coordinate of an element |
integer, | intent(in) | :: | n |
number of return values |
return value which is sent to state variable
function ic_2dcrvpPressure_for( me, coord, n ) result(pressure)
! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
!> number of return values
integer, intent(in) :: n
!> global gauss pulse data
type(ic_2dcrvp_type), intent(in) :: me
!> coordinate of an element
real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: coord(n, 3)
!> return value which is sent to state variable
real(kind=rk) :: pressure(n)
! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
complex(kind=rk) :: z_coord, b_coord, z_compl, b_coordChg, z_Core
real(kind=rk) :: omega
real(kind=rk) :: u(1),v(1)
complex(kind=rk),parameter :: i_complex = (0._rk,1._rk)
real(kind=rk) :: r, rC
real(kind=rk) :: dist2Left, dist2Right, pMin, phiTC, uxC, uyC
integer :: iElem
! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
do iElem = 1, n
! complex coordinate
z_coord = ( coord(iElem,1) - me%center(1)) &
& + i_complex*(coord(iElem,2) - me%center(2))
z_compl = ( coord(iElem,1) - me%center(1)) &
& - i_complex*(coord(iElem,2) - me%center(2))
omega = me%circulation/(Pi*me%radius_rot*me%radius_rot*4._rk)
! Current radial coordinate
r = abs( z_coord )
rC = me%radius_C
b_coord = me%radius_rot*( cos( omega*me%t ) &
& + i_complex*sin( omega*me%t))
b_coordChg = b_coord ! *3._rk
z_Core = b_coord + rC
! Calculate velocity
u(:) = ic_2dcrvpX_for( me, coord( iElem, :), 1 )
v(:) = ic_2dcrvpY_for( me, coord( iElem, :), 1 )
! Gaussian pulse approimxation inside core radius
! Compute the distance^2
dist2Left = real((z_coord + b_coord)*(z_compl + b_coordChg), kind=rk)
dist2Right = real(((z_coord) - b_coord)*(z_compl-b_coordChg), kind=rk)
if( dist2Right .lt. rC*rC .or. dist2Left .lt. rC*rC ) then
uxC = real( me%circulation/(2._rk*PI*i_complex*(z_Core-b_coord)), &
& kind=rk)
uyC = real(-aimag( me%circulation/(2._rk*PI*i_complex* &
& (z_Core-b_coord))), kind=rk)
phiTC = real( -omega*me%circulation/PI*b_coord**2/ &
& (z_Core**2-b_coord**2), kind=rk )
pMin = me%rho0*( phiTC + (uxC**2+uyC**2)*0.5_rk);
pMin = pMin * me%matchFactor
end if
if( dist2Right .lt. rC*rC ) then
dist2Right = -0.5_rk/(rC*rC)*dist2Right
if( me%pressGaussModel ) then
! velocity at the core radius: real(b_coord) + rC
! right vortex
pressure( iElem ) = me%p0 - cutoff_factor( me%cutoff, r ) &
& * pMin *exp( dist2Right )
pressure( iElem ) = me%p0
end if
elseif( dist2Left .lt. rC*rC ) then
dist2Left = -0.5_rk/(rC*rC)*dist2Left
if( me%pressGaussModel ) then
! velocity at the core radius: real(b_coord) + rC
pressure( iElem ) = me%p0 - cutoff_factor( me%cutoff, r ) &
& * pMin*exp( dist2Left )
pressure( iElem ) = me%p0
end if
pressure( iElem ) = ( - cutoff_factor(me%cutoff, r) &
& * ( real( -omega*me%circulation/PI*b_coord*b_coord/ &
& (z_coord*z_coord-b_coord*b_coord)) &
& + (u(1)*u(1) + v(1)*v(1))*0.5_rk ))*me%rho0 + me%p0
end if
end do
end function ic_2dcrvpPressure_for