load_tem_BC_qVal Subroutine

public subroutine load_tem_BC_qVal(me, offset, nElems, basename, myPart, comm)

load bc qVal header from lua file, qVal from qVal.lsb


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(tem_BC_prop_type), intent(inout) :: me

Boundary condition construct to load the data into

integer(kind=long_k), intent(in) :: offset

Offset of the local set of elements in the global list

integer, intent(in) :: nElems

Local number of elements that have qVal

character(len=*), intent(in) :: basename

Name of the file, the data is stored in, will be appended with ".lua" for the header information and ".lsb" or ".msb" for the binary data.

integer, intent(in) :: myPart

Partition to load

integer, intent(in) :: comm

Communicator to use


proc~~load_tem_bc_qval~~CallsGraph proc~load_tem_bc_qval load_tem_BC_qVal proc~load_tem_bc_logicalheader load_tem_BC_logicalHeader proc~load_tem_bc_qval->proc~load_tem_bc_logicalheader proc~load_tem_bc_realarray load_tem_BC_realArray proc~load_tem_bc_qval->proc~load_tem_bc_realarray aot_get_val aot_get_val proc~load_tem_bc_logicalheader->aot_get_val aot_table_close aot_table_close proc~load_tem_bc_logicalheader->aot_table_close aot_table_open aot_table_open proc~load_tem_bc_logicalheader->aot_table_open close_config close_config proc~load_tem_bc_logicalheader->close_config mpi_bcast mpi_bcast proc~load_tem_bc_logicalheader->mpi_bcast open_config_file open_config_file proc~load_tem_bc_logicalheader->open_config_file mpi_comm_split mpi_comm_split proc~load_tem_bc_realarray->mpi_comm_split mpi_file_close mpi_file_close proc~load_tem_bc_realarray->mpi_file_close mpi_file_open mpi_file_open proc~load_tem_bc_realarray->mpi_file_open mpi_file_read_all mpi_file_read_all proc~load_tem_bc_realarray->mpi_file_read_all mpi_file_set_view mpi_file_set_view proc~load_tem_bc_realarray->mpi_file_set_view mpi_type_commit mpi_type_commit proc~load_tem_bc_realarray->mpi_type_commit mpi_type_contiguous mpi_type_contiguous proc~load_tem_bc_realarray->mpi_type_contiguous mpi_type_free mpi_type_free proc~load_tem_bc_realarray->mpi_type_free mpi_type_size mpi_type_size proc~load_tem_bc_realarray->mpi_type_size proc~check_mpi_error check_mpi_error proc~load_tem_bc_realarray->proc~check_mpi_error proc~tem_create_endiansuffix tem_create_EndianSuffix proc~load_tem_bc_realarray->proc~tem_create_endiansuffix mpi_error_string mpi_error_string proc~check_mpi_error->mpi_error_string proc~tem_abort tem_abort proc~check_mpi_error->proc~tem_abort mpi_abort mpi_abort proc~tem_abort->mpi_abort

Source Code

  subroutine load_tem_BC_qVal( me, offset, nElems, basename, myPart, comm )
    ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    !> Boundary condition construct to load the data into
    type(tem_BC_prop_type), intent(inout) :: me
    !> Offset of the local set of elements in the global list
    integer(kind=long_k), intent(in)      :: offset
    !> Local number of elements that have qVal
    integer, intent(in)                   :: nElems
    !> Name of the file, the data is stored in, will be appended with
    !! ".lua" for the header information and ".lsb" or ".msb" for the
    !! binary data.
    character(len=*), intent(in)          :: basename
    !> Partition to load
    integer, intent(in)                   :: myPart
    !> Communicator to use
    integer, intent(in)                   :: comm
    ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

    call load_tem_BC_logicalHeader( nBCtypes = me%nBCtypes,   &
      &                             propName = 'hasQVal',     &
      &                             basename = basename,      &
      &                             flag_per_BC = me%hasQVal, &
      &                             myPart   = myPart,        &
      &                             comm     = comm           )

    allocate(me%qVal(me%nSides, nElems))

    call load_tem_BC_realArray( offset   = offset,    &
      &                         propname = 'hasQVal', &
      &                         arraylen = me%nSides, &
      &                         nElems   = nElems,    &
      &                         propdat  = me%qVal,   &
      &                         basename = basename,  &
      &                         myPart   = myPart,    &
      &                         comm     = comm       )

  end subroutine load_tem_BC_qVal