Extracts all the faces which will be computed by current rank.
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
integer, | intent(in) | :: | minLevel |
The min refinement level of the mesh. |
integer, | intent(in) | :: | maxLevel |
The max refinement level of the mesh. |
integer, | intent(in) | :: | nEligibleChildren |
The number of eligible children for the vertical face dependency |
type(tem_face_type), | intent(inout) | :: | faces(minLevel:maxLevel) |
The created face descriptor. |
subroutine tem_build_fromFinerList( minLevel, maxLevel, nEligibleChildren, &
& faces )
! --------------------------------------------------------------------------
!> The min refinement level of the mesh.
integer, intent(in) :: minLevel
!> The max refinement level of the mesh.
integer, intent(in) :: maxLevel
!> The number of eligible children for the vertical face dependency
integer, intent(in) :: nEligibleChildren
!> The created face descriptor.
type(tem_face_type),intent(inout) :: faces(minLevel:maxLevel)
! --------------------------------------------------------------------------
integer :: nFromFinerFaces(3,2)
integer :: iDir, iFace, iFromFinerFace(2), iDep, iLevel
integer :: childFace, childFaceOp, childPos, childPosOp, isFromFiner
! --------------------------------------------------------------------------
! Loop over all the levels
levelLoop: do iLevel = minLevel, maxLevel
! First, we count all the element which will be covered by this rank.
nFromFinerFaces = 0
do iDir = 1,3
do iFace = 1, faces(iLevel)%faces(iDir)%faceList%faceId%nVals
! decide if the element will be computed on this level and this rank.
isFromFiner = tem_isFromFinerFace(iFace, faces(iLevel)%faces(iDir))
if( isFromFiner .eq. tem_left) then
! If left element is refined, its right face has to be interpolated.
nFromFinerFaces(iDir,tem_right) = &
& nFromFinerFaces(iDir,tem_right) + 1
elseif( isFromFiner .eq. tem_right) then
! If right element is refined, its left face has to be interpolated.
nFromFinerFaces(iDir,tem_left) = &
& nFromFinerFaces(iDir,tem_left) + 1
end if
end do
end do
! Allocate memory for the from finer faces
do iDir = 1,3
do iFace = 1,2
allocate( faces(iLevel)%faces(iDir)%fromFinerFace(iFace)% &
& elemPos( nFromFinerFaces(iDir, iFace) ))
allocate( faces(iLevel)%faces(iDir)%fromFinerFace(iFace)% &
& childPos( nEligibleChildren, nFromFinerFaces(iDir, iFace) ))
allocate( faces(iLevel)%faces(iDir)%fromFinerFace(iFace)% &
& elemPosOp( nFromFinerFaces(iDir, iFace) ))
allocate( faces(iLevel)%faces(iDir)%fromFinerFace(iFace)% &
& childPosOp( nEligibleChildren, nFromFinerFaces(iDir, iFace) ))
allocate( faces(iLevel)%faces(iDir)%fromFinerFace(iFace)% &
& facePos( nFromFinerFaces(iDir, iFace) ))
end do
end do
! Now, we add all the compute elements to the iterator
do iDir = 1,3
iFromFinerFace(:) = 1
do iFace = 1, faces(iLevel)%faces(iDir)%faceList%faceId%nVals
! Decide if the face has to be interpolated.
isFromFiner = tem_isFromFinerFace(iFace, faces(iLevel)%faces(iDir))
if( isFromFiner .eq. tem_left) then
! The left element is refined -> add the left element to the right
! faces that have to be interpolated.
faces(iLevel)%faces(iDir)%fromFinerFace(tem_right)% &
& elemPos(iFromFinerFace(tem_right)) = &
& faces(iLevel)%faces(iDir)%faceList%leftElemPos%val(iFace)
faces(iLevel)%faces(iDir)%fromFinerFace(tem_right)% &
& elemPosOp(iFromFinerFace(tem_right)) = &
& faces(iLevel)%faces(iDir)%faceList%rightElemPos%val(iFace)
faces(iLevel)%faces(iDir)%fromFinerFace(tem_right)% &
& facePos(iFromFinerFace(tem_right)) = iFace
! Now, we set the dependencies, i.e. we identify the positions of
! the child elements and set them in the from finer description.
do iDep = 1,nEligibleChildren
childFace = faces(iLevel)%faces(iDir)%faceDep% &
& childFacePos(iDep,iFace)
childPos = faces(iLevel+1)%faces(iDir)%faceList% &
& leftElemPos%val(childFace)
faces(iLevel)%faces(iDir)%fromFinerFace(tem_right)% &
& childPos(iDep,iFromFinerFace(tem_right)) = childPos
childFaceOp = faces(iLevel)%faces(iDir)%faceDep% &
& childFacePosOp(iDep,iFace)
childPosOp = faces(iLevel+1)%faces(iDir)%faceList% &
& rightElemPos%val(childFaceOp)
faces(iLevel)%faces(iDir)%fromFinerFace(tem_right)% &
& childPosOp(iDep,iFromFinerFace(tem_right))&
& = childPosOp
end do
! Count the number of right faces
iFromFinerFace(tem_right) = &
& iFromFinerFace(tem_right) + 1
elseif( isFromFiner .eq. tem_right) then
! The right element is refined -> add the right element to the left
! faces that have to be interpolated.
faces(iLevel)%faces(iDir)%fromFinerFace(tem_left)% &
& elemPos(iFromFinerFace(tem_left)) = &
& faces(iLevel)%faces(iDir)%faceList%rightElemPos%val(iFace)
faces(iLevel)%faces(iDir)%fromFinerFace(tem_left)% &
& elemPosOp(iFromFinerFace(tem_left)) = &
& faces(iLevel)%faces(iDir)%faceList%leftElemPos%val(iFace)
faces(iLevel)%faces(iDir)%fromFinerFace(tem_left)% &
& facePos(iFromFinerFace(tem_left)) = iFace
! Now, we set the dependencies.
! Now, we set the dependencies, i.e. we identify the positions of
! the child elements and set them in the from finer description.
do iDep = 1,nEligibleChildren
childFace = faces(iLevel)%faces(iDir)%faceDep% &
& childFacePos(iDep,iFace)
childPos = faces(iLevel+1)%faces(iDir)%faceList% &
& rightElemPos%val(childFace)
faces(iLevel)%faces(iDir)%fromFinerFace(tem_left)% &
& childPos(iDep,iFromFinerFace(tem_left)) = childPos
childFaceOp = faces(iLevel)%faces(iDir)%faceDep% &
& childFacePosOp(iDep,iFace)
childPosOp = faces(iLevel+1)%faces(iDir)%faceList% &
& leftElemPos%val(childFaceOp)
faces(iLevel)%faces(iDir)%fromFinerFace(tem_left)% &
& childPosOp(iDep,iFromFinerFace(tem_left)) = childPosOp
end do
! Count the number of left faces
iFromFinerFace(tem_left) = &
& iFromFinerFace(tem_left) + 1
end if
end do
end do
end do levelLoop
end subroutine tem_build_fromFinerList