tem_debug_bc_prop Subroutine

public subroutine tem_debug_bc_prop(me)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(tem_BC_prop_type), intent(in) :: me

Boundary condition construct to load the data into


Source Code

Source Code

  subroutine tem_debug_bc_prop( me )
    ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    !> Boundary condition construct to load the data into
    type(tem_BC_prop_type), intent(in) :: me
    ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    integer :: iBC, iElem, iVal
    character(len=256) :: writeBuf
    ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

    write(dbgUnit(1), "(A)") ''
    write(dbgUnit(1), "(A)") '-------------------------------------------------'
    write(dbgUnit(1), "(A)") '           BC prop information'
    ! debug output bcID and labels
    write(dbgUnit(1), "(A)")    ''
    write(dbgUnit(1), "(A,I0)") ' nSides: '  , me%nSides
    write(dbgUnit(1), "(A,I0)") ' nBCtypes: ', me%nBCtypes
    write(dbgUnit(1), "(A,I0)") ' nElems of bc_prop: ', me%property%nElems
    write(dbgUnit(1), "(A)")    ''

    do iBC = 1, me%nBCtypes
      write(dbgUnit(1), "(A,I2,A,L1)") ' bcID: ', iBC, &
        &                           ', label: '//trim(me%BC_label( iBC )), &
        &                           ', has qVal? ', me%hasQVal(iBC)
    end do
    write(dbgUnit(1), "(A)")    ''

    ! debug output boundary ID
    do iElem = 1, me%property%nElems
      write(writeBuf, "(A,I0,A)") ' boundary_ID(:,', iElem, ') = '
      do iVal = 1, me%nSides
        write(writeBuf, "(A, I3)") trim(writeBuf), me%boundary_ID( iVal, iElem )
      end do
      write(dbgUnit(1), "(A)") trim(writeBuf)
    end do

    write(dbgUnit(1), "(A)") '-------------------------------------------------'
    write(dbgUnit(1), "(A)") ''

  end subroutine tem_debug_bc_prop