public pure subroutine tem_eligibleChildren(eligible_child, direction)
Identify all possible children local ids for each of the 27 direct
neighbors results are saved in the ElemList
How to use this information:
There are two main ways of doing so.
1.) Use eligibleChildren array as a subset array of directChildren
Let's say, you have a neighbor on the right border (=East border),
which is on a coarser level.
But you need the treeIDs of the neighbor on the same level.
You then call tem_directChildren( coarseNEighborTreeID )
to get all the children.
Then, you can access the treeIDs on the east border (that is the
treeIDs of the children on the West!! border of the coarser neighbor)
by using the eligibleChildren as a subset to access the tem_directChildren
childrenIDs( eligible_child( iChild ))
2.) Use elgibleChildren as an offset from the lower, left, bottom
child tree ID of the parent.
This is routine is Morton curve specific
HK: and solver specific?
Candidate children, which might be considered as neighbors
Nodes of different colours represent the following:
Solid arrows point from a procedure to one which it calls. Dashed
arrows point from an interface to procedures which implement that interface.
This could include the module procedures in a generic interface or the
implementation in a submodule of an interface in a parent module.