tem_intp_trilinearReduced_vect Function

private function tem_intp_trilinearReduced_vect(srcVal, targetCoord, nSize) result(phi)

This function returns the tri-linearly interpolated values from the seven source points to the target position located at targetCoord. The source points are arranged in a square from (0,0,0)x(1,1,1) The order of the source points are according to the morton curve


real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: srcVal(nSize,7)

source values of the square corners

real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: targetCoord(3)

interpolation location within the square

integer, intent(in) :: nSize

vector size

Return Value real(kind=rk)(nSize)

interpolated value

Called by

proc~~tem_intp_trilinearreduced_vect~~CalledByGraph proc~tem_intp_trilinearreduced_vect tem_intp_trilinearReduced_vect interface~tem_intp_trilinearreduced tem_intp_trilinearReduced interface~tem_intp_trilinearreduced->proc~tem_intp_trilinearreduced_vect



real(kind=rk), private :: phi_northFront
real(kind=rk), private :: phi_southFront
real(kind=rk), private :: phi_northBack
real(kind=rk), private :: phi_southBack
real(kind=rk), private :: phi_front
real(kind=rk), private :: phi_back
integer, private :: iSize