get the z component
read list of vertices for a single polygon me%npoly = 1
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
type(tem_polygon_material_type), | intent(out) | :: | me |
Polygon data structure to fill with information provided by the user in config. |
type(flu_State) | :: | conf |
Handle to the Lua script containing the polygon definition |
integer, | intent(in), | optional | :: | thandle |
Handle for the table containing the polygon definition. |
subroutine tem_polygon_material_single_load(me, conf, thandle)
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
!> Polygon data structure to fill with information provided
!! by the user in config.
type(tem_polygon_material_type), intent(out) :: me
!> Handle to the Lua script containing the polygon definition
type(flu_state) :: conf
!> Handle for the table containing the polygon definition.
integer, intent(in), optional :: thandle
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
real(kind=rk), allocatable :: defout(:)
integer :: vertex_table, valtable, vertices_table
integer :: movement_table, parameter_table
integer :: iVertex
integer :: iError
integer, allocatable :: vError(:)
integer :: iError_v(2)
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
write(logUnit(1),*) 'Loading predefined function for single polygon:'
valtable = 0
!> get the z component
call aot_get_val( L = conf, &
& thandle = thandle, &
& key = 'zmin', &
& val = me%zmin, &
& default = 0.0_rk, &
& ErrCode = iError )
if (btest(iError, aoterr_fatal)) then
write(logunit(1),*) 'ERROR in tem_polygon_material_load: Not able to'
write(logunit(1),*) ' get a value for zmin!'
write(logunit(1),*) ' This also applies if no inval is provided.'
call tem_abort()
end if
call aot_get_val( L = conf, &
& thandle = thandle, &
& key = 'zmax', &
& val = me%zmax, &
& default = 0.0_rk, &
& ErrCode = iError )
if (btest(iError, aoterr_fatal)) then
write(logunit(1),*) 'ERROR in tem_polygon_material_load: Not able to'
write(logunit(1),*) ' get a value for zmax!'
write(logunit(1),*) ' This also applies if no inval is provided.'
call tem_abort()
end if
!> read list of vertices
call aot_table_open( L = conf, &
& parent = thandle, &
& key = 'vertices', &
& thandle = vertices_table )
if (vertices_table == 0) then
write(logunit(1),*) 'ERROR in tem_polygon_material_load: No vertices'
write(logunit(1),*) ' defined, unable to set up a polynomial!'
write(logunit(1),*) ' Please define vertices tables with lists of'
write(logunit(1),*) ' 2D points.'
call tem_abort()
end if
!> for a single polygon me%npoly = 1
call aot_table_open( L = conf, &
& parent = vertices_table, &
& pos = 1, &
& thandle = vertex_table )
if (vertex_table == 0) then
write(logunit(1),*) 'ERROR in tem_polygon_material_load: No vertices'
write(logunit(1),*) ' Please define vertex tables with lists of'
write(logunit(1),*) ' 2D points.'
call tem_abort()
end if
me%npoly = 1
me%poly_list(me%npoly)%nVertices = &
& aot_table_length( L = conf, &
& thandle = vertex_table )
allocate(me%poly_list(me%npoly)%vertex(me%poly_list(me%npoly)%nVertices, 2))
do iVertex=1,me%poly_list(me%npoly)%nVertices
call aot_get_val( val = me%poly_list(me%npoly)%vertex(iVertex, :), &
& ErrCode = iError_v, &
& L = conf, &
& thandle = vertex_table, &
& pos = iVertex )
if (any(iError_v /= 0)) then
write(logunit(1),*) 'ERROR in tem_polygon_material_load: Not able to'
write(logunit(1),*) ' obtain vertex ', iVertex, '!'
write(logunit(1),*) ' Vertices have to be vectors of length 2,'
write(logunit(1),*) ' with real numbers as entries.'
call tem_abort()
end if
end do
call aot_table_close( L = conf, &
& thandle = vertex_table )
call aot_table_close( L = conf, &
& thandle = vertices_table )
call aot_table_open( L = conf, &
& parent = thandle, &
& key = 'movement', &
& thandle = movement_table )
if (movement_table == 0) then
write(logunit(1),*) 'ERROR in tem_polygon_material_load: No movement'
write(logunit(1),*) ' defined, unable to continue!'
write(logunit(1),*) &
& ' Please define movement table with a movement kind'
call tem_abort()
end if
call aot_get_val( L = conf, &
& thandle = movement_table, &
& key = 'movement_kind', &
& val = me%moving%movement_kind, &
& default = 'NO Movement', &
& ErrCode = iError )
call aot_table_close( L = conf, &
& thandle = movement_table )
select case(me%moving%movement_kind)
case( 'lin_movement_2d', 'lin_movement_3d')
call aot_table_open( L = conf, &
& parent = thandle, &
& key = 'lin_parameter', &
& thandle = parameter_table )
if (parameter_table == 0) then
write(logunit(1),*) &
& 'ERROR in tem_polygon_material_load: lin_parameter'
write(logunit(1),*) ' not defined, unable to set movement!'
write(logunit(1),*) ' Please define lin_parameter table'
call tem_abort()
end if
me%nComponents = aot_table_length( L = conf, &
& thandle = parameter_table )
call aot_table_close( L = conf, &
& thandle = parameter_table )
call aot_get_val( L = conf, &
& thandle = thandle, &
& key = 'lin_parameter', &
& val = me%moving%lin_parameter, &
& maxlength = me%nComponents, &
& ErrCode = VError )
if (any(btest(vError, aoterr_Fatal))) then
write(logunit(1),*) &
& 'ERROR in tem_polygon_material_load: No movement'
write(logunit(1),*) &
& ' values defined, unable to set up the movement!'
write(logunit(1),*) ' Please define lin_parameter!'
write(logunit(1),*) &
& ' For linear movement set velocity in X,Y for 2D!'
call tem_abort()
end if
case( 'sin_movement_2d', 'sin_movement_3d')
call aot_table_open( L = conf, &
& parent = thandle, &
& key = 'sin_parameter', &
& thandle = parameter_table )
if (parameter_table == 0) then
write(logunit(1),*) &
& 'ERROR in tem_polygon_material_load: sin_parameter'
write(logunit(1),*) ' not defined, unable to set movement!'
write(logunit(1),*) ' Please define sin_parameter table'
call tem_abort()
end if
me%nComponents = aot_table_length( L = conf, &
& thandle = parameter_table )
call aot_table_close( L = conf, &
& thandle = parameter_table )
call aot_get_val( L = conf, &
& thandle = thandle, &
& key = 'sin_parameter', &
& val = me%moving%sin_parameter, &
& maxlength = me%nComponents, &
& ErrCode = VError )
if (any(btest(vError, aoterr_Fatal))) then
write(logunit(1),*) &
& 'ERROR in tem_polygon_material_load: No movement'
write(logunit(1),*) &
&' values defined, unable to set up the movement!'
write(logunit(1),*) ' Please define sin_parameter!'
write(logunit(1),*) &
& ' For sinefuction set amplitude and frequency in X,'
write(logunit(1),*) ' than the information for the Y direction!'
end if
case( 'angleofAttack_2d', 'angleofAttack_3d')
call aot_table_open( L = conf, &
& parent = thandle, &
& key = 'angle_parameter', &
& thandle = parameter_table )
if (parameter_table == 0) then
write(logunit(1),*) &
& 'ERROR in tem_polygon_material_load: angle_parameter'
write(logunit(1),*) ' not defined, unable to set movement!'
write(logunit(1),*) ' Please define sin_parameter table'
call tem_abort()
end if
me%nComponents = aot_table_length( L = conf, &
& thandle = parameter_table )
call aot_table_close( L = conf, &
& thandle = parameter_table )
call aot_get_val( L = conf, &
& thandle = thandle, &
& key = 'angle_parameter', &
& val = me%moving%angle_parameter, &
& maxlength = me%nComponents, &
& ErrCode = VError )
if (any(btest(vError, aoterr_Fatal))) then
write(logunit(1),*) 'ERROR in tem_polygon_material_load: No' &
& // ' movement for angle of attack'
write(logunit(1),*) &
& ' values defined, unable to set up the movement!'
write(logunit(1),*) ' Please define sin_parameter!'
write(logunit(1),*) &
& ' For sinefunction set amplitude and frequency in X,'
write(logunit(1),*) ' than the information for the Y direction!'
end if
case( 'rot_movement_2d', 'rot_movement_3d')
call aot_table_open( L = conf, &
& parent = thandle, &
& key = 'rot_parameter', &
& thandle = parameter_table )
if (parameter_table == 0) then
write(logunit(1),*) &
& 'ERROR in tem_polygon_material_load: rot_parameter'
write(logunit(1),*) ' not defined, unable to set movement!'
write(logunit(1),*) ' Please define rot_parameter table'
call tem_abort()
end if
me%nComponents = aot_table_length( L = conf, &
& thandle = parameter_table )
call aot_table_close( L = conf, &
& thandle = parameter_table )
call aot_get_val( L = conf, &
& thandle = thandle, &
& key = 'rot_parameter', &
& val = me%moving%rot_parameter, &
& maxlength = me%nComponents, &
& ErrCode = VError )
if (any(btest(vError, aoterr_Fatal))) then
write(logunit(1),*) 'ERROR in tem_polygon_material_load: No movement'
write(logunit(1),*) &
& ' values defined, unable to set up the movement!'
write(logunit(1),*) ' Please define rot_parameter!'
write(logunit(1),*) &
& ' For rotation provide the X and Y direction of the'
write(logunit(1),*) ' rotation_point and the rotation speed! '
end if
case default
write(logUnit(1),*) 'NO movement prescribed for the polygon'
end select
write(logUnit(1),*) 'The single geometry movement is defined by: ', &
& me%moving%movement_kind
call aot_table_open( L = conf, &
& parent = thandle, &
& key = 'inval', &
& thandle = valtable )
if (valtable == 0) then
! inval not provided as a table, try to read it as a scalar.
call aot_get_val( L = conf, &
& thandle = thandle, &
& key = 'inval', &
& val = me%inval(1), &
& default = 1.0_rk, &
& ErrCode = iError )
if (btest(iError, aoterr_Fatal)) then
write(logunit(1),*) 'ERROR in tem_polygon_material_load: Not able to'
write(logunit(1),*) ' get value for inval!'
call tem_abort()
end if
me%nComponents = 1
! Outval needs to be consistent with the inval definition, if inval was
! defined as a scalar, outval also has to be a scalar!
! We do not check for tables with single entries in this case.
call aot_get_val( L = conf, &
& thandle = thandle, &
& key = 'outval', &
& val = me%outval(1), &
& default = 0.0_rk, &
& ErrCode = iError )
if (btest(iError, aoterr_fatal)) then
write(logunit(1),*) 'ERROR in tem_polygon_material_load: Not able to'
write(logunit(1),*) ' get a value for outval!'
write(logunit(1),*) ' Note, that outval needs be a scalar, as'
write(logunit(1),*) ' inval is provided as a scalar.'
write(logunit(1),*) ' This also applies if no inval is provided.'
call tem_abort()
end if
! Intable is a table, close it an read it into an array.
call aot_table_close(L = conf, thandle = valtable)
! Value to use inside the polygon
call aot_get_val( L = conf, &
& thandle = thandle, &
& key = 'inval', &
& val = me%inval, &
& maxlength = 20, &
& default = [1.0_rk], &
& ErrCode = vError )
if (any(btest(vError, aoterr_Fatal))) then
write(logunit(1),*) 'ERROR in tem_polygon_material_load: Not able to'
write(logunit(1),*) ' get values for inval!'
call tem_abort()
end if
me%nComponents = size(me%inval)
! Definition of outval needs to be consistent with inval, it has to have
! the same number of components, and also needs to be a vector.
! However, we define a default of all zeroes, so if outval is 0 for all
! components, this definition can be omitted in the user definition.
defout = 0.0_rk
! Value to use outside the polygon
call aot_get_val( L = conf, &
& thandle = thandle, &
& key = 'outval', &
& val = me%outval, &
& default = defout, &
& ErrCode = vError )
if (any(btest(vError,aoterr_Fatal))) then
write(logunit(1),*) 'ERROR in tem_polygon_material_load: Not able to'
write(logunit(1),*) ' get a value for outval!'
write(logunit(1),*) ' Note, that outval needs to have the same'
write(logunit(1),*) ' length as inval.'
call tem_abort()
end if
end if
end subroutine tem_polygon_material_single_load