tem_push_to_rq_store Subroutine

public subroutine tem_push_to_rq_store(L, modname, filename, buffer)

Push a script in a buffer into the rq_store.

This has to be done after tem_require_rq_store, any values put into the store before the call to tem_require_rq_store will be discarded.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(flu_State) :: L
character(len=*), intent(in) :: modname

Name of the module to store.

character(len=*), intent(in) :: filename

Original file name.

character, intent(in) :: buffer(:)

Actual buffer holding the code.


proc~~tem_push_to_rq_store~~CallsGraph proc~tem_push_to_rq_store tem_push_to_rq_store proc~aot_table_open aot_table_open proc~tem_push_to_rq_store->proc~aot_table_open proc~aot_table_close aot_table_close proc~tem_push_to_rq_store->proc~aot_table_close proc~aot_table_set_val aot_table_set_val proc~tem_push_to_rq_store->proc~aot_table_set_val proc~flul_loadbuffer fluL_loadbuffer proc~tem_push_to_rq_store->proc~flul_loadbuffer proc~aot_table_set_top aot_table_set_top proc~tem_push_to_rq_store->proc~aot_table_set_top

Called by

proc~~tem_push_to_rq_store~~CalledByGraph proc~tem_push_to_rq_store tem_push_to_rq_store proc~tem_open_distconf tem_open_distconf proc~tem_open_distconf->proc~tem_push_to_rq_store proc~tem_open_distconf_array tem_open_distconf_array proc~tem_open_distconf_array->proc~tem_push_to_rq_store proc~tem_restart_readheader tem_restart_readHeader proc~tem_restart_readheader->proc~tem_open_distconf proc~tem_load_restart tem_load_restart proc~tem_load_restart->proc~tem_restart_readheader


Source Code

Source Code

  subroutine tem_push_to_rq_store(L, modname, filename, buffer)
    ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    type(flu_State) :: L
    !> Name of the module to store.
    character(len=*), intent(in) :: modname
    !> Original file name.
    character(len=*), intent(in) :: filename
    !> Actual buffer holding the code.
    character, intent(in) :: buffer(:)
    ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    integer :: store_handle
    integer :: list_handle
    integer :: iError
    ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

    call aot_table_open( L       = L,                                          &
      &                  thandle = store_handle,                               &
      &                  key     = "rq_store" )

    ! Set the filename.
    call aot_table_open( L       = L,                                          &
      &                  parent  = store_handle,                               &
      &                  thandle = list_handle,                                &
      &                  key     = "file" )
    call aot_table_set_val( val     = trim(filename),                          &
      &                     L       = L,                                       &
      &                     thandle = list_handle,                             &
      &                     key     = trim(modname))
    call aot_table_close(L, list_handle)

    ! Set the execution code.
    call aot_table_open( L       = L,                                          &
      &                  parent  = store_handle,                               &
      &                  thandle = list_handle,                                &
      &                  key     = "code")
    iError =  fluL_loadbuffer(L, buffer, trim(modname))
    call aot_table_set_top( L       = L,                                       &
      &                     thandle = list_handle,                             &
      &                     key     = trim(modname))
    call aot_table_close(L, list_handle)

    call aot_table_close(L, store_handle)

  end subroutine tem_push_to_rq_store