truncate_ga_dynint Subroutine

public subroutine truncate_ga_dynint(me)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(grw_dynintarray_type) :: me

Called by

proc~~truncate_ga_dynint~~CalledByGraph proc~truncate_ga_dynint truncate_ga_dynint interface~truncate truncate interface~truncate->proc~truncate_ga_dynint


Source Code

Source Code

  subroutine truncate_ga_dynint(me)
    type(grw_dynintarray_type) :: me !< array to truncate
    type(dyn_intarray_type), allocatable :: tarray(:)
    integer :: ii

    ! nothing to do if container size is not larger than the number of values
    ! in the array.
    if (me%containersize > me%nvals) then
      do ii = 1, me%nvals
        tarray(ii) = me%val(ii)
      end do
      call move_alloc(tarray, me%val)
      me%containersize = me%nvals
    end if

  end subroutine truncate_ga_dynint