tem_bc_state_type Derived Type

type, public :: tem_bc_state_type

boundary state type definition for boundary state variable

State variables like density, velocityX can be constant, temporal, spatial, dirichlet/neumann. res = f(x,y,z)*g(t) or res = f(x,y,z,t)


type~~tem_bc_state_type~~InheritsGraph type~tem_bc_state_type tem_bc_state_type type~tem_indexlvl_type tem_indexLvl_type type~tem_bc_state_type->type~tem_indexlvl_type pntIndex type~grw_intarray_type grw_intarray_type type~tem_indexlvl_type->type~grw_intarray_type indexLvl


Source Code


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
character(len=LabelLen), public :: state_name

Name of the state, this boundary condition applies to

character(len=LabelLen), public :: style

Style of this boundary condition dirichlet = set value itself neumann = set derivative of value

integer, public :: nComponents

Number of Components in this boundary variable.

logical, public :: isDefined

A flag to indicate that the state is properly defined

integer, public :: varPos

Position of variable defined for the state_name in the varSys

type(tem_indexLvl_type), public :: pntIndex

Indices for points on the boundary, required for setup_index, getvalof_Index

Source Code

  type tem_bc_state_type
    !> Name of the state, this boundary condition applies to
    character(len=LabelLen) :: state_name
    !> Style of this boundary condition
    !! dirichlet = set value itself
    !! neumann = set derivative of value
    character(len=LabelLen) :: style
    !> Number of Components in this boundary variable.
    integer :: nComponents
    !> A flag to indicate that the state is properly defined
    logical :: isDefined
    !> Position of variable defined for the state_name in the varSys
    integer :: varPos
    !> Indices for points on the boundary, required for setup_index,
    !! getvalof_Index
    type(tem_indexLvl_type) :: pntIndex
  end type tem_bc_state_type