Container to store the face that require interpolations.
Type | Visibility | Attributes | Name | Initial | |||
integer, | public, | allocatable | :: | elemPos(:) |
The element position. Since interpolations are done facewise (left or right) we only need one element position here. |
integer, | public, | allocatable | :: | childPos(:,:) |
The element positions of the finer child elements. As a face has exactly 4 children the first dimension is 4. The second dimension is the number of faces in this container. |
integer, | public, | allocatable | :: | elemPosOp(:) |
The element position opposite to the refined face. E.g. if the left element is refined, the right face of the left element position is stored here. |
integer, | public, | allocatable | :: | childPosOp(:,:) |
The child element positions opposite to the refined face. |
integer, | public, | allocatable | :: | facePos(:) |
Position of the face in the face description. |
type tem_faceInterpolation_type
!> The element position. Since interpolations are done
!! facewise (left or right) we only need one element position here.
integer, allocatable :: elemPos(:)
!> The element positions of the finer child elements. As a face has
!! exactly 4 children the first dimension is 4. The second dimension
!! is the number of faces in this container.
integer, allocatable :: childPos(:,:)
!> The element position opposite to the refined face. E.g. if the
!! left element is refined, the right face of the left element position
!! is stored here.
integer, allocatable :: elemPosOp(:)
!> The child element positions opposite to the refined face.
integer, allocatable :: childPosOp(:,:)
!> Position of the face in the face description.
integer, allocatable :: facePos(:)
end type tem_faceInterpolation_type