tem_faceIterator_type Derived Type

type, public :: tem_faceIterator_type

Iterator for a certain type of faces

Inherited by

type~~tem_faceiterator_type~~InheritedByGraph type~tem_faceiterator_type tem_faceIterator_type type~tem_face_descriptor_type tem_face_descriptor_type type~tem_face_descriptor_type->type~tem_faceiterator_type computeFace type~tem_face_type tem_face_type type~tem_face_type->type~tem_face_descriptor_type faces


Source Code


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
integer, public, allocatable :: leftPos(:)

Index of the element on the left side of the face.

integer, public, allocatable :: rightPos(:)

Index of the element on the right side of the face.

integer, public, allocatable :: facePos(:)

Index of the face in the (overall) face description (tem_faceList_type).

Source Code

  type tem_faceIterator_type
    !> Index of the element on the left side of the face.
    integer, allocatable :: leftPos(:)
    !> Index of the element on the right side of the face.
    integer, allocatable :: rightPos(:)
    !> Index of the face in the (overall) face description
    !! ([[tem_faceList_type]]).
    integer, allocatable :: facePos(:)
  end type tem_faceIterator_type