tem_levelNeighbor_type Derived Type

type, public :: tem_levelNeighbor_type

identification parameters for different lists includes the direct neighbors of each tree ID

Inherited by

type~~tem_levelneighbor_type~~InheritedByGraph type~tem_levelneighbor_type tem_levelNeighbor_type type~tem_leveldesc_type tem_levelDesc_type type~tem_leveldesc_type->type~tem_levelneighbor_type neigh type~tem_face_type tem_face_type type~tem_face_type->type~tem_leveldesc_type dimByDimDesc



Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
integer, public, allocatable :: nghElems(:,:)

array of the neighbors in the resulting totalList. Use this one in the solver! size: stencil%QQN, nElems(to treat with stencil)

Source Code

  type tem_levelNeighbor_type
    !> array of the neighbors in the resulting totalList.
    !! Use this one in the solver!
    !! size: stencil%QQN, nElems(to treat with stencil)
    integer,allocatable :: nghElems(:,:)
  end type tem_levelNeighbor_type