tem_subres_prop_type Derived Type

type, public :: tem_subres_prop_type


type~~tem_subres_prop_type~~InheritsGraph type~tem_subres_prop_type tem_subres_prop_type type~tem_prophead_type tem_prophead_type type~tem_subres_prop_type->type~tem_prophead_type header type~tem_property_type tem_property_type type~tem_subres_prop_type->type~tem_property_type property type~elemid_list_type elemid_list_type type~tem_subres_prop_type->type~elemid_list_type elem


Source Code


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
type(tem_prophead_type), public, pointer :: header => null()

Pointer to treelmesh_type%global%property

character, public, allocatable :: subresolved_colors(:,:)

Indication which of the colors contain subresolution information.

The first index has length nChars from the color property. The second runs through all elements with with subresolution property.

type(tem_property_type), public, pointer :: property => null()

Pointer to treelmesh_type%property

integer, public, allocatable :: nElems(:)

Number of subresolved elements in each color.

type(elemid_list_type), public, allocatable :: elem(:)

List of indices of elements with subresolution for each color.

integer(kind=long_k), public, allocatable :: offset(:)

Offset for the subresolved elements on this partition for each color.

Source Code

  type tem_subres_prop_type
    !> Pointer to treelmesh_type%global%property
    type(tem_prophead_type),  pointer :: header => null()

    !> Indication which of the colors contain subresolution information.
    !! The first index has length nChars from the color property.
    !! The second runs through all elements with with subresolution property.
    character, allocatable :: subresolved_colors(:,:)

    !> Pointer to treelmesh_type%property
    type(tem_property_type),  pointer :: property => null()

    !> Number of subresolved elements in each color.
    integer, allocatable :: nElems(:)

    !> List of indices of elements with subresolution for each color.
    type(elemid_list_type), allocatable :: elem(:)

    !> Offset for the subresolved elements on this partition for each color.
    integer(kind=long_k), allocatable :: offset(:)

  end type tem_subres_prop_type