aot_extdouble_vector_module Module

This module provides some convenience functions to access complete vectors from a lua table at once.

It provides two generic interfaces, one for vectors inside tables, and one for vectors defined as global variables (get_config_val). Vectors might be accessed with a variable length, to be defined by the Lua table and allocated in the get_ routines or with a fixed length. For the variable length vectors, a maximal length has to be provided up to which the vector might be allocated. Otherwise the interfaces correspond to the scalar retrieval operations.


  • module~~aot_extdouble_vector_module~~UsesGraph module~aot_extdouble_vector_module aot_extdouble_vector_module module~aot_extdouble_top_module aot_extdouble_top_module module~aot_extdouble_vector_module->module~aot_extdouble_top_module module~flu_binding flu_binding module~aot_extdouble_vector_module->module~flu_binding module~aot_top_module aot_top_module module~aot_extdouble_vector_module->module~aot_top_module module~aot_table_ops_module aot_table_ops_module module~aot_extdouble_vector_module->module~aot_table_ops_module module~aot_extdouble_top_module->module~flu_binding module~aot_err_module aot_err_module module~aot_extdouble_top_module->module~aot_err_module module~lua_parameters lua_parameters module~flu_binding->module~lua_parameters module~flu_kinds_module flu_kinds_module module~flu_binding->module~flu_kinds_module iso_c_binding iso_c_binding module~flu_binding->iso_c_binding module~dump_lua_fif_module dump_lua_fif_module module~flu_binding->module~dump_lua_fif_module module~lua_fif lua_fif module~flu_binding->module~lua_fif module~aot_top_module->module~aot_extdouble_top_module module~aot_top_module->module~flu_binding module~aot_quadruple_top_module aot_quadruple_top_module module~aot_top_module->module~aot_quadruple_top_module module~aot_top_module->module~aot_err_module module~aot_top_module->module~flu_kinds_module module~aot_table_ops_module->module~flu_binding module~aot_table_ops_module->module~aot_top_module module~aot_table_ops_module->module~flu_kinds_module module~aot_quadruple_top_module->module~flu_binding module~aot_quadruple_top_module->module~aot_err_module module~lua_parameters->iso_c_binding module~aot_err_module->module~flu_binding module~dump_lua_fif_module->iso_c_binding module~lua_fif->module~lua_parameters module~lua_fif->iso_c_binding

Used by

  • module~~aot_extdouble_vector_module~~UsedByGraph module~aot_extdouble_vector_module aot_extdouble_vector_module module~aot_vector_module aot_vector_module module~aot_vector_module->module~aot_extdouble_vector_module module~aotus_module aotus_module module~aotus_module->module~aot_vector_module module~aot_path_module aot_path_module module~aot_path_module->module~aotus_module



public interface aot_get_val

Use these routines to obtain a vector whose length is unknown.

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  • private subroutine get_table_extdouble_vvect(val, ErrCode, maxlength, L, thandle, key, pos, default)

    This routine obtains a vectorial quantity with variable length from a Lua table as a whole.

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    real(kind=xdble_k), intent(out), allocatable:: val(:)

    Vector read from the Lua table, will have the same length as the table but not exceed maxlength, if provided.

    integer, intent(out), allocatable:: ErrCode(:)

    Error code describing problems encountered in each of the components. Will be allocated with the same length as the returned vector. If the complete vector is not given in the Lua script, and no default is provided, an zerosized array will be returned.

    integer, intent(in) :: maxlength

    Maximal length to allocate for the vector.

    type(flu_State) :: L
    integer, intent(in), optional :: thandle
    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: key

    Name of the variable (vector) to read.

    integer, intent(in), optional :: pos

    Position of the (vector) to read.

    real(kind=xdble_k), intent(in), optional :: default(:)

    A default vector to use, if no proper definition is found. Components will be filled with the help of this default definition.

public interface aot_table_get_val

  • private subroutine get_table_extdouble_vvect(val, ErrCode, maxlength, L, thandle, key, pos, default)

    This routine obtains a vectorial quantity with variable length from a Lua table as a whole.

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    real(kind=xdble_k), intent(out), allocatable:: val(:)

    Vector read from the Lua table, will have the same length as the table but not exceed maxlength, if provided.

    integer, intent(out), allocatable:: ErrCode(:)

    Error code describing problems encountered in each of the components. Will be allocated with the same length as the returned vector. If the complete vector is not given in the Lua script, and no default is provided, an zerosized array will be returned.

    integer, intent(in) :: maxlength

    Maximal length to allocate for the vector.

    type(flu_State) :: L
    integer, intent(in), optional :: thandle
    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: key

    Name of the variable (vector) to read.

    integer, intent(in), optional :: pos

    Position of the (vector) to read.

    real(kind=xdble_k), intent(in), optional :: default(:)

    A default vector to use, if no proper definition is found. Components will be filled with the help of this default definition.

public interface aot_top_get_val

  • private subroutine get_top_extdouble_vvect(val, ErrCode, maxlength, L, default)


    real(kind=xdble_k), intent(out), allocatable:: val(:)

    Vector read from the Lua table, will have the same length as the table but not exceed maxlength, if provided.

    integer, intent(out), allocatable:: ErrCode(:)

    Error code describing problems encountered in each of the components. Will be allocated with the same length as the returned vector. If the complete vector is not given in the Lua script, and no default is provided, an zerosized array will be returned.

    integer, intent(in) :: maxlength

    Maximal length to allocate for the vector.

    type(flu_State) :: L
    real(kind=xdble_k), intent(in), optional :: default(:)

    A default vector to use, if no proper definition is found. Components will be filled with the help of this default definition.

public interface aot_get_val

Use these routines to obtain a vector of known length.

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  • private subroutine get_table_extdouble_v(val, ErrCode, L, thandle, key, pos, default)

    This routine obtains a vectorial quantity with fixed length from a Lua table as a whole.

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    real(kind=xdble_k), intent(out) :: val(:)

    Vector read from the Lua table.

    integer, intent(out) :: ErrCode(:)

    Error code describing problems encountered in each of the components. This array has to have the same length as val.

    type(flu_State) :: L
    integer, intent(in), optional :: thandle
    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: key

    Name of the variable (vector) to read.

    integer, intent(in), optional :: pos

    Position of the (vector) to read.

    real(kind=xdble_k), intent(in), optional :: default(:)

    A default vector to use, if no proper definition is found. Components will be filled with the help of this default definition.

public interface aot_table_get_val

  • private subroutine get_table_extdouble_v(val, ErrCode, L, thandle, key, pos, default)

    This routine obtains a vectorial quantity with fixed length from a Lua table as a whole.

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    real(kind=xdble_k), intent(out) :: val(:)

    Vector read from the Lua table.

    integer, intent(out) :: ErrCode(:)

    Error code describing problems encountered in each of the components. This array has to have the same length as val.

    type(flu_State) :: L
    integer, intent(in), optional :: thandle
    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: key

    Name of the variable (vector) to read.

    integer, intent(in), optional :: pos

    Position of the (vector) to read.

    real(kind=xdble_k), intent(in), optional :: default(:)

    A default vector to use, if no proper definition is found. Components will be filled with the help of this default definition.

public interface aot_top_get_val

  • private subroutine get_top_extdouble_v(val, ErrCode, L, default)


    real(kind=xdble_k), intent(out) :: val(:)

    Vector read from the Lua table.

    integer, intent(out) :: ErrCode(:)

    Error code describing problems encountered in each of the components. This array has to have the same length as val.

    type(flu_State) :: L
    real(kind=xdble_k), intent(in), optional :: default(:)

    A default vector to use, if no proper definition is found. Components will be filled with the help of this default definition.


private subroutine get_table_extdouble_vvect(val, ErrCode, maxlength, L, thandle, key, pos, default)

This routine obtains a vectorial quantity with variable length from a Lua table as a whole.

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real(kind=xdble_k), intent(out), allocatable:: val(:)

Vector read from the Lua table, will have the same length as the table but not exceed maxlength, if provided.

integer, intent(out), allocatable:: ErrCode(:)

Error code describing problems encountered in each of the components. Will be allocated with the same length as the returned vector. If the complete vector is not given in the Lua script, and no default is provided, an zerosized array will be returned.

integer, intent(in) :: maxlength

Maximal length to allocate for the vector.

type(flu_State) :: L
integer, intent(in), optional :: thandle
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: key

Name of the variable (vector) to read.

integer, intent(in), optional :: pos

Position of the (vector) to read.

real(kind=xdble_k), intent(in), optional :: default(:)

A default vector to use, if no proper definition is found. Components will be filled with the help of this default definition.

private subroutine get_table_extdouble_v(val, ErrCode, L, thandle, key, pos, default)

This routine obtains a vectorial quantity with fixed length from a Lua table as a whole.

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real(kind=xdble_k), intent(out) :: val(:)

Vector read from the Lua table.

integer, intent(out) :: ErrCode(:)

Error code describing problems encountered in each of the components. This array has to have the same length as val.

type(flu_State) :: L
integer, intent(in), optional :: thandle
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: key

Name of the variable (vector) to read.

integer, intent(in), optional :: pos

Position of the (vector) to read.

real(kind=xdble_k), intent(in), optional :: default(:)

A default vector to use, if no proper definition is found. Components will be filled with the help of this default definition.

private subroutine get_top_extdouble_vvect(val, ErrCode, maxlength, L, default)


real(kind=xdble_k), intent(out), allocatable:: val(:)

Vector read from the Lua table, will have the same length as the table but not exceed maxlength, if provided.

integer, intent(out), allocatable:: ErrCode(:)

Error code describing problems encountered in each of the components. Will be allocated with the same length as the returned vector. If the complete vector is not given in the Lua script, and no default is provided, an zerosized array will be returned.

integer, intent(in) :: maxlength

Maximal length to allocate for the vector.

type(flu_State) :: L
real(kind=xdble_k), intent(in), optional :: default(:)

A default vector to use, if no proper definition is found. Components will be filled with the help of this default definition.

private subroutine get_top_extdouble_v(val, ErrCode, L, default)


real(kind=xdble_k), intent(out) :: val(:)

Vector read from the Lua table.

integer, intent(out) :: ErrCode(:)

Error code describing problems encountered in each of the components. This array has to have the same length as val.

type(flu_State) :: L
real(kind=xdble_k), intent(in), optional :: default(:)

A default vector to use, if no proper definition is found. Components will be filled with the help of this default definition.