aot_path_module Module

The aot_path can be used to track the position of a Lua entity in nested tables.

The idea is to initialize the path in the very beginning and then append a node whenever a table is opened. Thus you pass down the growing path object and store at in the level, to which you might need to return later.


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public interface assignment(=)

Taking care of the linked list in a copying routine for the assignment of aot_path_type.

  • private subroutine aot_path_copy(left, right)

    Copy a given path object, this is the implementation of the assignment left = right.


    type(aot_path_type), intent(inout) :: left

    Object to assign a path to

    type(aot_path_type), intent(in) :: right

    Path to be copied

public interface aot_path_open

Re-open a previously recorded path through nested Lua tables.

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  • private subroutine aot_path_open_fun(me, conf, fun, openLua)

    This subroutine opens all the tables on the way to the final head node, which ought to be a function.

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    type(aot_path_type), intent(inout) :: me

    The path object to open as a function

    type(flu_State) :: conf

    The flu_state handle, which is either opened according to the path, or used to open the path in.

    type(aot_fun_type), intent(out) :: fun

    The opened function

    logical, intent(in), optional :: openLua

    A flag to indicate, wether to open the Lua script, default is false, in which case the conf argument has to link to an actual Lua state handle.

  • private subroutine aot_path_open_table(me, conf, thandle, openLua)

    This subroutine opens all the tables on the way to the final head node of the given path.

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    type(aot_path_type), intent(inout) :: me

    The path object to open as a function

    type(flu_State) :: conf

    The flu_state handle, which is either opened according to the path, or used to open the path in.

    integer, intent(out) :: thandle

    return handle of the last opened table

    logical, intent(in), optional :: openLua

    A flag to indicate, wether to open the Lua script, default is false, in which case the conf argument has to link to an actual Lua state handle.

public interface aot_path_close

  • private subroutine aot_path_close_fun(me, conf, fun, closeLua)

    This routine closes function and all other tables opened along the path.


    type(aot_path_type), intent(inout) :: me

    The path object to open as a function

    type(flu_State) :: conf

    The flu_state handle, which is either opened according to the path, or used to open the path in.

    type(aot_fun_type), intent(inout) :: fun

    The opened function

    logical, intent(in), optional :: closeLua

    A flag to indicate, wether to close the Lua script, default is false.

  • private subroutine aot_path_close_table(me, conf, closeLua)

    This routine closes all the table opened in aot_path_open_table.


    type(aot_path_type), intent(inout) :: me

    The path object to open as a function

    type(flu_State) :: conf

    The flu_state handle, which is either opened according to the path, or used to open the path in.

    logical, intent(in), optional :: closeLua

    A flag to indicate, wether to close the Lua script, default is false.

Derived Types

type, public :: aot_path_type

This type is the main data structure of the module and describes the path.

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character(len=256), private :: LuaFilename

Name of the file where this path object is found in.

integer, private :: rootHandle

Handle to the topmost table opened for the path.

type(aot_path_node_type), private, pointer:: GlobalNode=> NULL()

Entry level of the path on the global scope of the Lua script.

type(aot_path_node_type), private, pointer:: head=> NULL()

Moving head through the linked list of path nodes.

type, private :: aot_path_node_type

This data structure describes a node in the path through nested tables.


character(len=16), private :: NodeType

What type of node is this? Currently supported are function and table

character(len=16), private :: ID_kind

How to look up this node, by key or position?

character(len=80), private :: key

Identifying key

integer, private :: pos

Identifying position

type(aot_path_node_type), private, pointer:: child=> NULL()

Link to possible child of this node


public subroutine aot_init_path(me, Filename)

This subroutine initializes a path object.

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type(aot_path_type), intent(out) :: me

Path object to initialize

character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: Filename

Filename of the Lua script, this path is located in

public subroutine aot_fin_path(me)

This subroutine finalizes a path object and deallocates all its nodes.


type(aot_path_type), intent(inout) :: me

Path to destroy

public subroutine aot_path_addNode(me, NodeType, pos, key)

With this subroutine a node is appended to the end of the list of nodes of the given path.

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type(aot_path_type), intent(inout) :: me

Path to append the node to

character(len=*), intent(in) :: NodeType

Type of the node (table of function)

integer, intent(in), optional :: pos

Position in the parenting table

character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: key

Key within the parenting table

public subroutine aot_path_delNode(me, isEmpty)

The delNode removes the last node from the list of nodes of the given path.

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type(aot_path_type), intent(inout) :: me

Path to delet the last node from

logical, intent(out), optional :: isEmpty

Flag, if resulting path is empty (contains no nodes anymore)

public subroutine aot_path_toString(path, pathAsString)

Dumps the complete path into a string.

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type(aot_path_type), intent(in) :: path

The path which information should be printed

character(len=*), intent(out) :: pathAsString

The path represented as string

public subroutine aot_path_dump(path, outputUnit)

Dumps the complete path to the given output unit.

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type(aot_path_type), intent(in) :: path

The path which information should be printed

integer, intent(in) :: outputUnit

The unit to use to write the path data

private subroutine aot_path_copy(left, right)

Copy a given path object, this is the implementation of the assignment left = right.


type(aot_path_type), intent(inout) :: left

Object to assign a path to

type(aot_path_type), intent(in) :: right

Path to be copied

private subroutine aot_path_open_fun(me, conf, fun, openLua)

This subroutine opens all the tables on the way to the final head node, which ought to be a function.

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type(aot_path_type), intent(inout) :: me

The path object to open as a function

type(flu_State) :: conf

The flu_state handle, which is either opened according to the path, or used to open the path in.

type(aot_fun_type), intent(out) :: fun

The opened function

logical, intent(in), optional :: openLua

A flag to indicate, wether to open the Lua script, default is false, in which case the conf argument has to link to an actual Lua state handle.

private subroutine aot_path_open_table(me, conf, thandle, openLua)

This subroutine opens all the tables on the way to the final head node of the given path.

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type(aot_path_type), intent(inout) :: me

The path object to open as a function

type(flu_State) :: conf

The flu_state handle, which is either opened according to the path, or used to open the path in.

integer, intent(out) :: thandle

return handle of the last opened table

logical, intent(in), optional :: openLua

A flag to indicate, wether to open the Lua script, default is false, in which case the conf argument has to link to an actual Lua state handle.

private subroutine aot_path_close_fun(me, conf, fun, closeLua)

This routine closes function and all other tables opened along the path.


type(aot_path_type), intent(inout) :: me

The path object to open as a function

type(flu_State) :: conf

The flu_state handle, which is either opened according to the path, or used to open the path in.

type(aot_fun_type), intent(inout) :: fun

The opened function

logical, intent(in), optional :: closeLua

A flag to indicate, wether to close the Lua script, default is false.

private subroutine aot_path_close_table(me, conf, closeLua)

This routine closes all the table opened in aot_path_open_table.


type(aot_path_type), intent(inout) :: me

The path object to open as a function

type(flu_State) :: conf

The flu_state handle, which is either opened according to the path, or used to open the path in.

logical, intent(in), optional :: closeLua

A flag to indicate, wether to close the Lua script, default is false.