aot_fun_close Subroutine

public subroutine aot_fun_close(L, fun)

Close the function again (pop everything above from the stack).


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(flu_State) :: L

Handle for the Lua script.

type(aot_fun_type) :: fun

Handle to the function to close.


proc~~aot_fun_close~~CallsGraph proc~aot_fun_close aot_fun_close proc~flu_settop flu_settop proc~aot_fun_close->proc~flu_settop interface~lua_settop lua_settop proc~flu_settop->interface~lua_settop

Called by

proc~~aot_fun_close~~CalledByGraph proc~aot_fun_close aot_fun_close proc~aot_path_close_fun aot_path_close_fun proc~aot_path_close_fun->proc~aot_fun_close interface~aot_path_close aot_path_close interface~aot_path_close->proc~aot_path_close_fun


Source Code

Source Code

  subroutine aot_fun_close(L, fun)
    type(flu_state) :: L !! Handle for the Lua script.

    !> Handle to the function to close.
    type(aot_fun_type) :: fun

    if (fun%handle > 0) call flu_settop(L, fun%handle-1)
    fun%handle = 0
    fun%id = 0
    fun%arg_count = 0
  end subroutine aot_fun_close