aot_path_close Interface

public interface aot_path_close


interface~~aot_path_close~~CallsGraph interface~aot_path_close aot_path_close proc~aot_path_close_table aot_path_close_table interface~aot_path_close->proc~aot_path_close_table proc~aot_path_close_fun aot_path_close_fun interface~aot_path_close->proc~aot_path_close_fun proc~close_config close_config proc~aot_path_close_table->proc~close_config proc~aot_table_close aot_table_close proc~aot_path_close_table->proc~aot_table_close proc~aot_path_close_fun->proc~aot_path_close_table proc~aot_fun_close aot_fun_close proc~aot_path_close_fun->proc~aot_fun_close proc~flu_close flu_close proc~close_config->proc~flu_close proc~flu_settop flu_settop proc~aot_table_close->proc~flu_settop proc~aot_fun_close->proc~flu_settop interface~lua_close lua_close proc~flu_close->interface~lua_close interface~lua_settop lua_settop proc~flu_settop->interface~lua_settop


Module Procedures

private subroutine aot_path_close_fun(me, conf, fun, closeLua)

This routine closes function and all other tables opened along the path.


type(aot_path_type), intent(inout) :: me

The path object to open as a function

type(flu_State) :: conf

The flu_state handle, which is either opened according to the path, or used to open the path in.

type(aot_fun_type), intent(inout) :: fun

The opened function

logical, intent(in), optional :: closeLua

A flag to indicate, wether to close the Lua script, default is false.

private subroutine aot_path_close_table(me, conf, closeLua)

This routine closes all the table opened in aot_path_open_table.


type(aot_path_type), intent(inout) :: me

The path object to open as a function

type(flu_State) :: conf

The flu_state handle, which is either opened according to the path, or used to open the path in.

logical, intent(in), optional :: closeLua

A flag to indicate, wether to close the Lua script, default is false.