atl_getMaterialForElement Subroutine

private subroutine atl_getMaterialForElement(fun, varSys, elempos, time, tree, nElems, nDofs, res)

This routine implements the getElement interface for material variables.

Material variables basically refer to spacetime functions which are already present in the varSys. This spacetime function variable is the only input variable for the material variable. Thus the solely purpose of this routine is to forward any getElement request to the material variable to the correspondig spacetime function variable.


class(tem_varSys_op_type), intent(in) :: fun

Description of the method to obtain the variables, here some preset values might be stored, like the spacetime function to use or the required variables.

type(tem_varSys_type), intent(in) :: varSys

The variable system to obtain the variable from.

integer, intent(in) :: elempos(:)

Position of the TreeID of the element to get the variable for in the global treeID list.

type(tem_time_type), intent(in) :: time

Point in time at which to evaluate the variable.

type(treelmesh_type), intent(in) :: tree

global treelm mesh info

integer, intent(in) :: nElems

Number of values to obtain for this variable (vectorized access).

integer, intent(in) :: nDofs

Number of degrees of freedom within an element.

real(kind=rk), intent(out) :: res(:)

Resulting values for the requested variable.

Linearized array dimension: (n requested entries) x (nComponents of this variable) x (nDegrees of freedom) Access: (iElem-1)fun%nComponentsnDofs + (iDof-1)*fun%nComponents + iComp

