Type | Location | Extends | Description |
atl_acoustic_type | atl_eqn_acoustic_module | None | Datatype for acoustic equations. |
atl_adaptive_orders_type | atl_stabilize_module | None | |
atl_advection_1d_type | atl_eqn_advection_1d_module | None | |
atl_BBMEM_type | atl_eqn_bbm_module | None | Parameters describing the model |
atl_bndDesc_type | atl_boundary_module | None | Description of a certain boundary condition. |
atl_boundary_type | atl_bc_header_module | None | This type describes a single boundary condition, which is described in the configuration files and attached to elements in the mesh file. |
atl_boundaryMaterial_type | atl_materialPrp_module | None | Boundary (face) material description. |
atl_computeElem_type | atl_materialPrp_module | None | List of elements that are relevant for the computation. |
atl_cons_positivity_preserv_type | atl_cons_positivity_preserv_module | None | Datatype representing the positivity preserving limiter. Should be applied after all other limiters are applied and after each step of a SSP timeintegrator. |
atl_covolume_type | atl_covolume_module | None | Datatype representing the covolume filter stabilization |
atl_cube_container_type | atl_cube_container_module | None | Container type collecting all the data of the simulation domain which have cubic cells. |
atl_cube_elem_type | atl_cube_elem_module | None | Container type describing cubic elements on a single refinement level. |
atl_derive_inputVar_type | atl_derive_module | None | This type stores the state data for a given variable and a given element. This type is used to allocate arrays for arbitrary variable counts, as jagged arrays are not allowed in Fortran. |
atl_dimbydimstencil_type | atl_scheme_module | None | type specifying all informations about the stencil for the dimension by dimension reconstruction. |
atl_element_container_type | atl_container_module | None | container to collect all elements within our simulations domain |
atl_elemMaterialData_type | atl_materialPrp_module | None | Datatype provides information each |
atl_eqn_sourceMap_type | atl_source_types_module | None | datatype containing mapping of source variables to function pointers. The function this pointer is pointing to is used to evaluate the space time function defining the values for the source variable. |
atl_eqn_var_trafo_type | atl_equation_module | None | Description of variable transformations from one system to another and back again. |
atl_Equations_type | atl_equation_module | None | Datatype representing the equation which is used for the simulation. |
atl_ere_solState1D_type | atl_exact_riemann_euler_module | None | |
atl_euler_type | atl_eqn_euler_module | None | The Euler equation properties are stored here |
atl_eulerTimestep_type | atl_elemental_time_integration_module | None | Timestep information for Euler equation. |
atl_face_material_type | atl_materialPrp_module | None | Description of the material properties adjacent to a faces. |
atl_faceBnd_type | atl_boundary_module | None | Facewise description of the boundaries. |
atl_facedata_type | atl_facedata_module | None | Datatype to represent data defined on the faces of a cubical element. |
atl_faceMaterialData_type | atl_materialPrp_module | None | Datatype provides information each face |
atl_faceRep_type | atl_facedata_module | None | Representation of a solution on a set of faces (all of them in a fixed spatial direction). |
atl_filNvrStk_source_data_type | atl_eqn_nvrstk_module | None | |
atl_FiltNavierStokes_type | atl_eqn_nvrstk_module | None | The Smagorinsky model for LES |
atl_global_timestep_type | atl_time_integration_module | None | |
atl_heat_type | atl_eqn_heat_module | None | |
atl_init_material_type | atl_materialPrp_module | None | This type is used to set the material up. It contains information from each equation systems that are used to process the information from the configuration file. Once the materials are added to the variable system, the information contained in here are not needed anymore, thus are not stored in another, longer persisting type. |
atl_init_source_type | atl_source_types_module | None | This type is used to set the source terms up. It contains information from the equation systems that are used to process the information from the configuration file. Once the source terms are added to the variable system, the information contained in here are not needed anymore, thus are not stored in another, longer persisting type. |
atl_kerneldata_type | atl_kerneldata_module | None | Data type to describe the kernelstate of a specific kernel. |
atl_legpolyvar_type | atl_legpolyvar_module | None | Configuration for a legpolyvar. |
atl_level_boundary_type | atl_boundary_module | None | type to represent the different boundary conditions on the same refinement level |
atl_LinearEuler_type | atl_eqn_LinearEuler_module | None | The Euler equation properties are stored here |
atl_local_timestep_type | atl_scheme_module | None | Datatype to specify the timestepping method. |
atl_LoclinEulerTimestep_type | atl_elemental_time_integration_module | None | Timestep information for local linear Euler equation |
atl_material_property_type | atl_materialPrp_module | None | Levewise description of the material properties. |
atl_material_type | atl_materialPrp_module | None | Levelwise description of the material parameters in the mesh. |
atl_materialData_type | atl_materialPrp_module | None | Datatype to provide material parameter information |
atl_materialFun_type | atl_materialFun_module | None | Generic description of material property functions. |
atl_maxwell_type | atl_eqn_maxwell_module | None | Datatype for Maxwell equations. |
atl_mode_reduction_type | atl_materialFun_module | None | |
atl_modg_1d_scheme_type | atl_modg_1d_scheme_module | None | Datatype for the modg scheme |
atl_modg_2d_scheme_type | atl_modg_2d_scheme_module | None | Datatype for the modg scheme |
atl_modg_scheme_type | atl_modg_scheme_module | None | Datatype for the modg scheme |
atl_navier_stokes_rans_type | atl_eqn_nvrstk_module | None | This data-type stores the properties required |
atl_navierStokes_type | atl_eqn_nvrstk_module | None | The Navier-Stokes equation properties are stored here |
atl_nernstPlanck_type | atl_eqn_nerplanck_module | None | Datatype for Nernst-Planck equations. |
atl_oneDimStencil_type | atl_scheme_module | None | type to define a one dimensional stencil for reconstructions. |
atl_penalization_pointer_type | atl_physFlux_module | None | |
atl_penalizationData_type | atl_penalization_module | None | Datatype collects all volumetric penalization information. |
atl_physCheck_type | atl_physCheck_module | None | Datatype to describe the physical checks. |
atl_physflux_pointer_type | atl_physFlux_module | None | |
atl_positivity_preserv_type | atl_positivity_preserv_module | None | Datatype representing the positivity preserving limiter. Should be applied after all other limiters are applied and after each step of a SSP timeintegrator. |
atl_scheme_type | atl_scheme_module | None | type containing all the informations related to the scheme, e.g.: time and space discretization, scheme order, etc. |
atl_solver_param_type | atl_solver_param_module | None | |
atl_source_elems_type | atl_source_types_module | None | Contains information about the elements affected by a source term. The information contained are for one particular level. |
atl_source_op_type | atl_source_types_module | None | Description contains list of elements on which source is active and function pointer to update source |
atl_source_type | atl_source_types_module | None | Description of the new source type in Ateles |
atl_spacetime_fun_pointer_type | atl_materialPrp_module | None | Encapsulates a pointer to an tem_spacetime_fun_type-instace. Used to create arrays of pointers. |
atl_spectral_visc_type | atl_spectral_viscosity_module | None | Datatype representing the spectral viscosity stabilization. |
atl_stabilization_type | atl_stabilization_module | None | Datatype representing the stabilization procedure of a numerical scheme. |
atl_statedata_type | atl_kerneldata_module | None | Data type to describe the state of an equation in a solver. |
atl_subresolution_type | atl_subresolution_module | None | |
atl_temp_flux_arrays_type | atl_equation_module | None | The number of temporary arrays required to evaluate the physical fluxes can be set from here. This is required so that they don't have to be decleared in the openmp parallel region where physical flux calculation takes place |
atl_timer_handle_type | atl_timer_module | None | Handles for timer objects to measure the time for some code parts |
atl_timestep_control_type | atl_time_integration_module | None | Datatype to represent the control of timesteps. |
atl_timestep_type | atl_elemental_time_integration_module | None | |
atl_varSys_data_type | atl_varSys_module | None | Solver-specific structure for solver and source term variables. |
atl_varSys_solverData_type | atl_varSys_module | None | Solver-specific structure for solver and source term variables. |
atl_varSys_solverVar_type | atl_varSys_module | None | |
capsule_array_type | ply_sampling_module | None | Required to make use of c_loc and accessing an array. |
dir_proc | atl_eqn_LinearEuler_module | None | |
dyn_projectionarray_type | ply_dynarray_project_module | None | dynamic array (da) type for type(ply_prj_init_type) |
intarray_type | atl_parallel_module | None | |
ply_array_type | ply_LegPolyProjection_module | None | |
ply_array_type | ply_poly_transformation_module | None | |
ply_coldata_type | ply_polyBaseExc_module | None | Information for a set of local rows in the current block |
ply_faceNodes_type | ply_nodes_module | None | Datatype to represent facewise nodes |
ply_filter_element_type | ply_filter_element_module | None | Paramaters describing the filtering to apply to elemental polynomial data. |
ply_fpt_header_type | ply_fpt_header_module | None | Type for the fpt header, stores all information needed to initialize the fpt method later on |
ply_fxt_header_type | ply_fxt_header_module | None | Fxt projection header type, consisting of the node header which give information about the type and number of points for the projection |
ply_fxt_type | ply_fxt_module | None | |
ply_l2p_header_type | ply_l2p_header_module | None | l2p projection header type, consisting of the node header which give information about the type and number of points for the projection |
ply_l2p_type | ply_l2p_module | None | Storage of the transformation matrices for the L2 projection method to convert between modal and nodal values. |
ply_lagrange_type | ply_lagrange_module | None | |
ply_legFpt_type | ply_legFpt_module | None | Datatype for parameters of the FPT used for 1d, 2d and 3d. |
ply_matrixExpCoeff_type | ply_polyBaseExc_module | None | Expansion coefficients for a certain submatrix. |
ply_matrixExpCoeffOddEven_type | ply_polyBaseExc_module | None | Expansion coefficients for a certain submatrix. |
ply_modg_basis_type | ply_modg_basis_module | None | Datatype to represent the polynomial basis functions of the modg scheme. |
ply_modg_covolume_type | ply_modg_basis_module | None | Projection coefficients for covolume filtering. |
ply_modg_refine_type | ply_modg_basis_module | None | \brief Coefficients for the projections of the elemental basis functions from coarser to finer elements and vice versa. |
ply_nodes_header_type | ply_nodes_header_module | None | |
ply_poly_project_type | ply_poly_project_module | None | Projection definition. |
ply_prj_body_type | ply_poly_project_module | None | Additional data, required for the projection. |
ply_prj_header_type | ply_prj_header_module | None | Configurable projection settings. |
ply_prj_init_type | ply_dynarray_project_module | None | Projection definition. |
ply_ProjCoeff_type | ply_LegPolyProjection_module | None | Datatype storing the coefficients arising for the projection of solutions on a parent cell to its children during the subsampling routines. |
ply_rowdata_type | ply_polyBaseExc_module | None | Sparse data for information of a column in a sub matrix |
ply_sampled_tracking_type | ply_sampled_tracking_module | None | |
ply_sampling_adaptive_type | ply_sampling_adaptive_module | None | Configuration of the adaptive sampling. |
ply_sampling_type | ply_sampling_module | None | This is the data type providing the definitions for the sampling. |
ply_sampling_var_type | ply_sampling_varsys_module | None | Small helping type to allow arrays of arrays for the variable data. |
ply_sub_vec | ply_polyBaseExc_module | None | |
ply_submatrix_type | ply_polyBaseExc_module | None | Sparse data for information of a row in a sub matrix. |
ply_subres_colvar_type | ply_subresolution_module | None | Self contained description of color data to be used for method data. |
ply_subresolution_type | ply_subresolution_module | None | |
ply_subsample_type | ply_LegPolyProjection_module | None | |
ply_subsample_type | ply_poly_transformation_module | None | |
ply_subvector_type | ply_polyBaseExc_module | None | Sparse data for a subvector |
ply_trafo_params_type | ply_polyBaseExc_module | None | |
polydata_type | atl_legpolyvar_module | None | |
realarray_type | ply_sampling_adaptive_module | None | Small helping type to allow arrays of arrays for the variable data. |
sampled_method_data_type | ply_sampling_adaptive_module | None | A container for the method data to hold the data in a scalar pointer for the C-pointer conversion. |
temporal_background_type | atl_eqn_LinearEuler_module | None | Type to store the temporal function for each background state |
vdata_type | ply_sampling_module | None | Private data type to describe variables with varying polynomial representation from element to element for each variable. |