Abstract Interfaces

Abstract InterfaceLocationDescription
computation mus_control_module

Interface describes the main control routine which does computation set boundary and check flow status

derive_auxFromState mus_derVarPos_module

Derive auxField from local state. \todo KM: pass external force to add to auxField

derive_auxFromStateFunc mus_derVarPos_module

Derive auxField from state for single element

derive_equilFromAux mus_derVarPos_module

Derive equilibrium from auxField for given nelems

derive_equilFromAuxFunc mus_derVarPos_module

Derive equilibrium from auxField for single element

derive_FromMacro mus_derVarPos_module

interface to derive equilibrium from macro. Mainly used in initial condition and boundary condition routines to avoid dublication of routines between different scheme kinds. In this interface, solver definition can be access via varSys%method%val(1)%method_data c_ptr

derive_FromPreColState mus_derVarPos_module

Interface that takes state array as input calculate density, velocity or eq as output from FETCH state i.e. precollision state State should be AOS layout

derive_FromState mus_derVarPos_module

Interface that takes state array as input calculate density, velocity or eq as output State should be AOS layout

get_pdfEq mus_scheme_derived_quantities_module

function pointer to get pdf equilibrium from vel and density

get_pdfEq_iDir mus_scheme_derived_quantities_module

function pointer to get pdf equilibrium from vel and density along a

get_rho0Inv mus_scheme_derived_quantities_module

function pointer to get 1/rho as a mask regardless incompressibility

get_scalar_from_vel_dens mus_scheme_derived_quantities_module

function pointer to get pdf equilibrium from vel and density

get_vector_from_vel_dens mus_scheme_derived_quantities_module

function pointer to get pdf equilibrium from vel and density

get_vel_from_pdf mus_scheme_derived_quantities_module

function pointer to get pdf equilibrium from vel and density

get_vel_from_pdf_vectorized mus_scheme_derived_quantities_module

function pointer to get pdf equilibrium from vel and density VECTORIZED

intpRoutine mus_interpolate_header_module

This is the interface for all interpolation methods that

intpRoutine_arbitraryVal mus_interpolate_header_module

This is the interface for all interpolation methods that

kernel mus_scheme_type_module

The common subroutine interface for compute kernels. All kernels have to implement this interface in order to be callable via mus_scheme_type%compute function pointer.

mus_iterative_method_interface mus_turb_wallFunc_module

This routine computes friction velocity from wall model profile using Newton iteration method

mus_proc_calcAuxField mus_auxField_module

Interface to compute auxField vars i.e. conserved macroscopic moments from pre-collision PDF for fluid and ghostFromCoarser. auxField on GhostFromFiner elements are interpolated and halo elements are exchanged For Multicomponent models: in calcAuxField function, the velocity is computed on transformed PDF such that force term can be added to it in addSrcToAuxField routine. The auxField is updated with correct velocity field in compute kernel i.e. velocity of original PDF is obtained by solving linear equation system in compute kernel

mus_proc_calcFricVel mus_turb_wallFunc_module

This abstract interface defines the interface to calculate turbulent wall friction velocity from given velocity and distance to boundary. All inputs and output are in lattice units.

mus_proc_calcStreamWiseVel mus_turb_wallFunc_module

This abstract interface defines the interface to calculate stream-wise velocity component from friction velocity and distance to boundary. All inputs and output are in lattice units.

proc_addSrcToAuxField mus_source_type_module

Interface to add source to auxField vars in source_op_type for all nSolve elements (nFluids+nGhostFromCoarser+nGhostFromFiner). Halo elements are exchanged

proc_apply_source mus_source_type_module

Abstract interface to update state with source terms

proc_calc_turb_visc_fromGradU mus_turbulence_module

This function computes turbulent viscosity from gradient U

proc_calc_turb_visc_fromPreColPDF mus_turbulence_module

This function compute turbulent viscosity from pre-collision PDF

proc_updateSourceVar mus_source_type_module

Interface to update source variable which has dependency on auxField. Applied on all nSolve elements (nFluids+nGhostFromCoarser+nGhostFromFiner). Halo elements are exchanged This should be called after adding sorce term to state so that both auxField and apply_source uses same source value in one multilevel cycle.