! Copyright (c) 2016 Kannan Masilamani <kannan.masilamani@uni-siegen.de> ! Copyright (c) 2019 Seyfettin Bilgi <seyfettin.bilgi@student.uni-siegen.de> ! ! Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ! modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: ! ! 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, ! this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ! ! 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, ! this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation ! and/or other materials provided with the distribution. ! ! THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE UNIVERSITY OF SIEGEN “AS IS” AND ANY EXPRESS ! OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES ! OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. ! IN NO EVENT SHALL UNIVERSITY OF SIEGEN OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY ! DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ! (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; ! LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ! ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT ! (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS ! SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ! *****************************************************************************! !> author: Kannan Masilamani !! Module containing subroutines for building MUSUBI specific transport !! variables to use in compute kernels and source update !! module mus_transport_var_module use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding, only: c_ptr, c_f_pointer ! include treelm modules use env_module, only: rk, long_k, labelLen, solSpecLen, newUnit use tem_aux_module, only: tem_abort use tem_varSys_module, only: tem_varSys_type, & & tem_varSys_append_derVar, & & tem_varSys_proc_point, & & tem_varSys_proc_element, & & tem_varSys_proc_setParams, & & tem_varSys_proc_getParams, & & tem_varSys_proc_setupIndices, & & tem_varSys_proc_getValOfIndex, & & tem_varSys_dump use tem_varMap_module, only: tem_possible_variable_type, & & init, append, truncate, & & tem_variable_loadMapping use tem_stringKeyValuePair_module, only: init, truncate, & & grw_stringKeyValuePairArray_type use tem_stencil_module, only: tem_stencilHeader_type use treelmesh_module, only: treelmesh_type use tem_geometry_module, only: tem_BaryOfID use tem_logging_module, only: logUnit use tem_operation_module, only: tem_indexLvl_type use tem_tools_module, only: tem_horizontalSpacer use tem_construction_module, only: tem_levelDesc_type use tem_dyn_array_module, only: PositionOfVal ! include musubi modules use mus_scheme_header_module, only: mus_scheme_header_type ! include aotus modules use aotus_module, only: flu_State use aot_out_module, only: aot_out_type, aot_out_open, aot_out_close, & & aot_out_val, aot_out_toChunk implicit none private public :: mus_transport_var_type public :: mus_create_poss_transVar public :: mus_load_transport_var public :: mus_init_transport_var ! ***************************************************************************! !> Description contains index to access value using variable function !! pointer type mus_transport_op_type !> Position of data variable provided in config file in the varSys integer :: data_varpos !> Indices for points for nElems_solve (nFluids + nGhostsFromCoarser). !! Order of index matches levelDesc%total list, required for setup_index, !! getvalof_Index type(tem_indexLvl_type) :: pntIndex end type mus_transport_op_type ! ***************************************************************************! ! ***************************************************************************! !> Description of musubi transport variable type type mus_transport_var_type !> Contains variable pntIndex to setup_index and getValOfIndex !! Size: varDict%nVals type(mus_transport_op_type), allocatable :: method(:) !> Dictionary of transport variable with !! varDict%val()%key is the name of transport variable and !! varDict%val()%value is the name of variable provided for the key type(grw_stringKeyValuePairArray_type) :: varDict end type mus_transport_var_type ! ***************************************************************************! contains ! ***************************************************************************! !> Routine initialize possible transport variable depends on scheme kind subroutine mus_create_poss_transVar(poss_transVar, schemeHeader) ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------! !> possible transport variables type(tem_possible_variable_type), intent(out) :: poss_transVar !> Identifier of the scheme type(mus_scheme_header_type), intent(in) :: schemeHeader ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------! write(logUnit(10),*) 'Creating possible transport variables ' call init(me = poss_transVar, length = 2 ) select case(trim(schemeHeader%kind)) case ('passive_scalar', 'nernst_planck') call append(me = poss_transVar, & & varName = 'transport_velocity', & & nComponents = 3 ) case default write(logUnit(1),*) 'No possible transport variable defined for ' & & //'scheme kind: '//trim(schemeHeader%kind) end select call truncate(poss_transVar) end subroutine mus_create_poss_transVar ! ***************************************************************************! ! ***************************************************************************! !> Routine load musubi transport variables subroutine mus_load_transport_var(me, possVars, conf, parent, varSys, & & schemeHeader) ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------! !> transport variable type to initialize type(mus_transport_var_type), intent(out) :: me !> possible transport variables type(tem_possible_variable_type), intent(in) :: possVars !> flu state type( flu_State ) :: conf !> parent handle if scheme table is defined integer, intent(in), optional :: parent !> Global variable system type(tem_varSys_type), intent(inout) :: varSys !> Identifier of the scheme type(mus_scheme_header_type), intent(in) :: schemeHeader ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------! integer :: iVar ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------! write(logUnit(1),*) 'Loading transport variables' ! initialize growing array stringKeyValuePair call init( me = me%varDict ) ! load the transport variables do iVar = 1, possVars%varName%nVals call tem_variable_loadMapping( & & expectedName = possVars%varName%val(iVar), & & conf = conf, & & thandle = parent, & & varDict = me%varDict, & & varSys = varSys, & & nComp = possVars%nComponents%val(iVar) ) end do select case(trim(schemeHeader%kind)) case ('passive_scalar','nernst_planck') if (me%varDict%nVals /= 1) then write(logUnit(1),*) 'Error: transport_velocity' & & // ' variable is not defined for lbm_ps' call tem_abort() end if end select call truncate( me = me%varDict ) end subroutine mus_load_transport_var ! ***************************************************************************! ! ***************************************************************************! !> Initialize transport variable by calling setupIndices for every variable !! and store pntIndex subroutine mus_init_transport_var(me, varSys, tree, nElems_solve, levelDesc) ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> transport variable to fill in type(mus_transport_var_type), intent(inout) :: me !> global variable system type(tem_varSys_type), intent(in) :: varSys !> global treelm mesh type( treelmesh_type ), intent(in) :: tree !> Number of elements to solve in all levels !! nFluids + nGhosts integer, intent(in) :: nElems_solve(tree%global%minLevel:) !> Level descriptors type( tem_levelDesc_type ), intent(in) :: levelDesc(tree%global%minLevel:) ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- integer :: iLevel, iElem, iVar integer :: nSolve, minLevel, maxLevel real(kind=rk), allocatable :: bary(:,:) integer, allocatable :: idx(:) integer :: data_varPos ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- call tem_horizontalSpacer(fUnit = logUnit(1)) write(logUnit(1),*)'Initializing transport variables ...' ! immediately exit this routine if there are no transport variables if ( me%varDict%nVals == 0) then write(logUnit(1),*) 'No active transport variables' return else allocate(me%method(me%varDict%nVals)) end if do iVar = 1, me%varDict%nVals data_varPos = PositionOfVal( me = varSys%varName, & & val = trim(me%varDict%val(iVar)%value) ) if (data_varPos > 0) then me%method(iVar)%data_varPos = data_varPos else write(logUnit(1),*) 'Error: variable ' & & // trim(me%varDict%val(iVar)%value) & & // ' is not added to variable system' call tem_abort() end if end do minLevel = tree%global%minLevel maxLevel = tree%global%maxLevel write(logunit(10),*) ' setup indices for transport var' do ilevel = minlevel, maxlevel write(logunit(10),*) 'ilevel: ', ilevel nsolve = nelems_solve(ilevel) ! gets barycenter of all elements to solve i.e fluid+ghost to ! access transport variable inside compute kernel and source update allocate(bary(nSolve, 3)) do iElem = 1, nSolve bary(iElem, :) = tem_BaryOfId(tree, levelDesc(iLevel)%total(iElem)) end do allocate(idx(nSolve)) do iVar = 1, me%varDict%nVals idx = 0 data_varPos = me%method(iVar)%data_varPos ! set params call varSys%method%val(data_varPos)%set_params( & & varSys = varSys, & & instring = 'isSurface = false' ) call varSys%method%val(data_varPos)%setup_indices( & & varSys = varSys, & & point = bary, & & iLevel = iLevel, & & tree = tree, & & nPnts = nSolve, & & idx = idx ) call append(me%method(iVar)%pntIndex%indexLvl(iLevel), idx) end do !iVar deallocate(idx) deallocate(bary) end do !iLevel end subroutine mus_init_transport_var ! ***************************************************************************! end module mus_transport_var_module ! *****************************************************************************!