mus_turbulence_data_type Derived Type

type, public :: mus_turbulence_data_type

Contains velocity and gradient data to compute eddy viscosity


type~~mus_turbulence_data_type~~InheritsGraph type~mus_turbulence_data_type mus_turbulence_data_type type~tem_communication_type tem_communication_type type~mus_turbulence_data_type->type~tem_communication_type sendBuffer, recvBuffer, sendBufferFromCoarser, sendBufferFromFiner, recvBufferFromCoarser, recvBufferFromFiner

Inherited by

type~~mus_turbulence_data_type~~InheritedByGraph type~mus_turbulence_data_type mus_turbulence_data_type type~mus_turbulence_type mus_turbulence_type type~mus_turbulence_type->type~mus_turbulence_data_type dataOnLvl type~mus_fluid_type mus_fluid_type type~mus_fluid_type->type~mus_turbulence_type turbulence type~mus_field_prop_type mus_field_prop_type type~mus_field_prop_type->type~mus_fluid_type fluid type~mus_field_type mus_field_type type~mus_field_type->type~mus_field_prop_type fieldProp



type(tem_communication_type), private :: sendBuffer

Communication buffers to communicate visoscity field Local Fluids required by remote processes

type(tem_communication_type), private :: recvBuffer

My halos which are fluids on remote processes

type(tem_communication_type), private :: sendBufferFromCoarser

Local ghostFromCoarser required by remote processes

type(tem_communication_type), private :: sendBufferFromFiner

Local ghostFromFiner required by remote processes

type(tem_communication_type), private :: recvBufferFromCoarser

My halos which are ghostFromCoarser on remote processes

type(tem_communication_type), private :: recvBufferFromFiner

My halos which are ghostFromFiner on remote processes

real(kind=rk), private, allocatable:: visc(:)

Normalized turbulence viscosity i.e. viscosity scaled to current level i.e. visc/dtL Size: nSize (nFluids+nGhosts+nHalos) Used gradData to compute viscosity for nFluids and nGhosts. This viscosity is interpolated and scaled for setting nonEq term interpolation routines. The source element of interpolation might be halo so they are communicated.

Simple scaling assumping norm of strainrate tensor |S| in different level is small: Schneider, A. (2015). A Consistent Large Eddy Approach for Lattice Boltzmann Methods and its Application to Complex Flows. Technical University Kaiserslautern. v_c = 4 v_f. Scaled visc: v^s = v/dt. => v^s_c dtL_c = 4 v^s_f dtL_f => v^s_c = 2 v^s_f

Kolmogorov scaling: Touil, H., Ricot, D., & Lévêque, E. (2014). Direct and large-eddy simulation of turbulent flows on composite multi-resolution grids by the lattice Boltzmann method. Journal of Computational Physics, 256, 220–233. v^s_c = 2^(1/3) v^s_f