append Interface

public interface append


interface~~append~22~~CallsGraph interface~append~22 append proc~tem_appendsp2darray tem_appendSp2dArray interface~append~22->proc~tem_appendsp2darray proc~tem_appendintlist tem_appendIntList interface~append~22->proc~tem_appendintlist proc~tem_appendsp1darray tem_appendSp1dArray interface~append~22->proc~tem_appendsp1darray proc~tem_appendlonglist tem_appendLongList interface~append~22->proc~tem_appendlonglist proc~tem_appendintlong1darray tem_appendIntLong1dArray interface~append~22->proc~tem_appendintlong1darray proc~tem_appenddp1darray tem_appendDp1dArray interface~append~22->proc~tem_appenddp1darray proc~tem_appendintlongarrayto1darray tem_appendIntLongArrayTo1dArray interface~append~22->proc~tem_appendintlongarrayto1darray proc~tem_appenddp2darray tem_appendDp2dArray interface~append~22->proc~tem_appenddp2darray proc~tem_appendint1darray tem_appendInt1dArray interface~append~22->proc~tem_appendint1darray proc~tem_appendint2darray tem_appendInt2dArray interface~append~22->proc~tem_appendint2darray proc~tem_appendintlong2darray tem_appendIntLong2dArray interface~append~22->proc~tem_appendintlong2darray

Called by

interface~~append~22~~CalledByGraph interface~append~22 append proc~tem_findpath tem_findPath proc~tem_findpath->interface~append~22 proc~tem_findpath->proc~tem_findpath proc~tem_findelement tem_findElement proc~tem_findelement->interface~append~22 proc~tem_findelement->proc~tem_findelement proc~tem_calc_vrtx_coord tem_calc_vrtx_coord proc~tem_calc_vrtx_coord->interface~append~22 proc~tem_unify_vrtx tem_unify_vrtx proc~tem_calc_vrtx_coord->proc~tem_unify_vrtx proc~tem_unify_vrtx->interface~append~22 proc~hvs_output_init hvs_output_init proc~hvs_output_init->proc~tem_calc_vrtx_coord proc~tem_init_tracker tem_init_tracker proc~tem_init_tracker->proc~hvs_output_init


Module Procedures

private subroutine tem_appendIntList(firstEntry, entryPos)

append an entry at the end of the integer list If the first entry is zero, write into that one


type(tem_intList), pointer:: firstEntry

linked list of resulting elements building the neighbor

integer(kind=int_k), intent(in) :: entryPos

Add that element

private subroutine tem_appendLongList(firstEntry, entryPos)

append an entry at the end of the integer list If the first entry is zero, write into that one


type(tem_longList), pointer:: firstEntry

linked list of resulting elements building the neighbor

integer(kind=long_k), intent(in) :: entryPos

Add that element

private subroutine tem_appendInt1dArray(Array, Position, Value)

append an entry to an allocatable array 1d with single integer If the array is too small, reallocate with double size


integer(kind=int_k), intent(inout), allocatable:: Array(:)

array to append value to

integer, intent(in) :: Position

position the value is appended to

integer(kind=int_k), intent(in) :: Value

value to append

private subroutine tem_appendInt2dArray(Array, Position1, Position2, Value)

append an entry to an allocatable array 1d with single integer If the array is too small, reallocate with double size


integer(kind=int_k), intent(inout), allocatable:: Array(:,:)

array to append value to

integer, intent(in) :: Position1
integer, intent(in) :: Position2
integer(kind=int_k), intent(in) :: Value

value to append

private subroutine tem_appendIntLong1dArray(Array, Position, Value)

append an entry to an allocatable array 1d with long integer If the array is too small, reallocate with double size


integer(kind=long_k), intent(inout), allocatable:: Array(:)

array to append value to

integer, intent(in) :: Position

position the value is appended to

integer(kind=long_k), intent(in) :: Value

value to append

private subroutine tem_appendIntLong2dArray(Array, Position1, Position2, Value)

append an entry to an allocatable array 1d with long integer If the array is too small, reallocate with double size


integer(kind=long_k), intent(inout), allocatable:: Array(:,:)

array to append value to

integer(kind=long_k), intent(in) :: Position1
integer(kind=long_k), intent(in) :: Position2
integer(kind=long_k), intent(in) :: Value

value to append

private subroutine tem_appendSp1dArray(Array, Position, Value)

append an entry to an allocatable array 1d with single precision If the array is too small, reallocate with double size


real(kind=single_k), intent(inout), allocatable:: Array(:)

array to append value to

integer, intent(in) :: Position

position the value is appended to

real(kind=single_k), intent(in) :: Value

value to append

private subroutine tem_appendSp2dArray(Array, Position1, Position2, Value)

append an entry to an allocatable array 1d with single precision If the array is too small, reallocate with double size


real(kind=single_k), intent(inout), allocatable:: Array(:,:)

array to append value to

integer, intent(in) :: Position1
integer, intent(in) :: Position2
real(kind=single_k), intent(in) :: Value

value to append

private subroutine tem_appendDp1dArray(Array, Position, Value)

append an entry to an allocatable array 1d with double precision If the array is too small, reallocate with double size


real(kind=rk), intent(inout), allocatable:: Array(:)

array to append value to

integer, intent(in) :: Position

position the value is appended to

real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: Value

value to append

private subroutine tem_appendDp2dArray(Array, Position1, Position2, Value)

append an entry to an allocatable array 1d with double precision If the array is too small, reallocate with double size


real(kind=rk), intent(inout), allocatable:: Array(:,:)

array to append value to

integer, intent(in) :: Position1
integer, intent(in) :: Position2
real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: Value

value to append

private subroutine tem_appendIntLongArrayTo1dArray(Array, ArrayToAppend)

append an entry to an allocatable array 1d with long integer If the array is too small, reallocate with double size


integer(kind=long_k), intent(inout), allocatable:: Array(:)

array to append to

integer(kind=long_k), intent(in) :: ArrayToAppend(:)

array to append