tem_findPath Subroutine

public recursive subroutine tem_findPath(Path, eligible_child, ElemList, pathlist, nElems, otherLevel)

Recursive routine to find all actual (eligible) leave nodes in the local partition for a given treeID.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(tem_path_type), intent(in) :: Path

Path to the leaf to find in the array of Elements

integer, intent(in) :: eligible_child(:)

Candidate childs, which might be considered as neighbors

type(tem_longList), pointer :: ElemList

linked list of resulting elements building the neighbor

type(tem_path_type), intent(in) :: pathlist(nElems)

array of paths

integer, intent(in) :: nElems

number of elements in list

logical, intent(inout), optional :: otherLevel

entry is on another level


proc~~tem_findpath~~CallsGraph proc~tem_findpath tem_findPath proc~tem_findpath->proc~tem_findpath proc~tem_posofpath tem_PosOfPath proc~tem_findpath->proc~tem_posofpath interface~append~11 append proc~tem_findpath->interface~append~11 proc~tem_pathof tem_PathOf proc~tem_findpath->proc~tem_pathof proc~tem_appendintlist tem_appendIntList interface~append~11->proc~tem_appendintlist proc~tem_appendint2darray tem_appendInt2dArray interface~append~11->proc~tem_appendint2darray proc~tem_appendsp1darray tem_appendSp1dArray interface~append~11->proc~tem_appendsp1darray proc~tem_appendintlong2darray tem_appendIntLong2dArray interface~append~11->proc~tem_appendintlong2darray proc~tem_appendintlong1darray tem_appendIntLong1dArray interface~append~11->proc~tem_appendintlong1darray proc~tem_appendsp2darray tem_appendSp2dArray interface~append~11->proc~tem_appendsp2darray proc~tem_appendintlongarrayto1darray tem_appendIntLongArrayTo1dArray interface~append~11->proc~tem_appendintlongarrayto1darray proc~tem_appendint1darray tem_appendInt1dArray interface~append~11->proc~tem_appendint1darray proc~tem_appendlonglist tem_appendLongList interface~append~11->proc~tem_appendlonglist proc~tem_appenddp1darray tem_appendDp1dArray interface~append~11->proc~tem_appenddp1darray proc~tem_appenddp2darray tem_appendDp2dArray interface~append~11->proc~tem_appenddp2darray


Source Code

Source Code

  recursive subroutine tem_findPath( Path, eligible_child, ElemList, &
    &                                Pathlist, nElems, otherLevel    )
    ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- !
    !> Path to the leaf to find in the array of Elements
    type(tem_path_type), intent(in) :: Path
    !> Candidate childs, which might be considered as neighbors
    integer, intent(in) :: eligible_child(:)
    !> linked list of resulting elements building the neighbor
    type(tem_longList), pointer :: ElemList
    !> number of elements in list
    integer, intent(in)  :: nElems
    !> array of paths
    type(tem_path_type), intent(in)  :: pathlist(nElems)
    !> entry is on another level
    logical,optional,intent(inout) :: otherLevel
    ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- !
    integer(kind=long_k) :: pos
    integer :: i
    integer(kind=long_k) :: off
    type(tem_path_type) :: childPath
    ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- !

    ! binary search of the Path in the array of actual present elements
    ! Return pos < 0 if
    pos = tem_PosOfPath(Path, Pathlist)

    ! If the neighbor is on a level higher than myself, it should be
    ! delivered by binary search

    if (pos > 0 ) then
      ! Element actually exists, append it to the list
       call append(ElemList, pos)
    else if (pos < 0) then
      ! Element is a GhostFromFiner, look for childs
      if( present( otherLevel ) ) otherLevel = .true.
      off = Path%Node(1)*8
      do i=1,size(eligible_child)
        childPath = tem_pathOf(off + eligible_child(i))
        call tem_findPath( childPath, eligible_child, ElemList, &
          &                Pathlist, nElems, otherLevel)
      end do
    else ! pos == 0
    end if

  end subroutine tem_findPath