A variable can be defined by a constant. This can be
Variables can be defined for special shapes.
Here are examplex on how to define them:
function lua_fun1(x)
value = math.cos(x)
return value
lua_fun2 = 1.0
variable = {
name = 'way1',
ncomponents = 1,
vartype = 'st_fun',
st_fun = 1.0
name = 'way2',
ncomponents = 1,
vartype = 'st_fun',
st_fun = {
const = 1.0,
shape = 'global'
name = 'way3',
ncomponents = 1,
vartype = 'st_fun',
st_fun = lua_fun1(0)
name = 'way4',
ncomponents = 1,
vartype = 'st_fun',
st_fun = lua_fun2
-- or for a 3D vector
{ name = 'way_3d',
ncomponents = 3,
vartype = 'st_fun',
st_fun = {const = {0,0,0}}