On this page we would like to introduce a list of predefined fortran functions that can be used in Musubi and a tutorial on how to use them.
To distinguish between spatial and transient function one uses the variable
table. Use combined
to provide a temporal and a spatial table. Each can be
either a constant, a lua function, a predefined function
or a space time function. Here is an example:
variable = {
name = 'vel_x',
ncomponents = 1,
vartype = 'st_fun',
st_fun = {
predefined = 'combined',
temporal = {
}, -- temporal
spatial = {
} -- spatial
} -- st_fun
}, -- vel_x
} -- variable
You can use the parabolic profile if you provide the shape of the parabol and the amplitude.
Here is an example on how to you use it.
variable = {
name = 'vel_x',
ncomponents = 1,
vartype = 'st_fun',
st_fun = {
predefined = 'combined',
temporal = {
}, -- temporal
spatial = {
predefined ='parabol',
shape = {
kind = 'canoND',
object = {
center = {-8.0, 0.0, 0.0},
halfvec = {{0.0, 1.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 0.0, 1.0}}
} -- object
}, -- shape
amplitude = 1.0
} -- spatial
} -- st_fun
}, -- vel_x
} -- variable
: picture
You can use random numbers for the spatial part. Example:
variable = {
name = 'vel_x',
ncomponents = 1,
vartype = 'st_fun',
st_fun = {
predefined = 'combined',
temporal = {
}, -- temporal
spatial = {
predefined ='random',
min = 0.0, -- default
max = 1.0 -- default
} -- spatial
} -- st_fun
}, -- vel_x
} -- variable
: picture
Here is an example on how to use the linear and smooth functionality for spacetime functions.
variable = {
name = 'vel_x',
ncomponents = 1,
vartype = 'st_fun',
st_fun = {
predefined = 'combined',
spatial = 1.0, -- as an example
temporal = {
predefined = {
kind = 'linear', -- or 'smooth'
minfactor = 0.0, -- default = 0.0
maxfactor = 1.0, -- default = 1.0
from_time = 0, -- default = 0.0
to_time = 1000, -- default = 1.0
} -- predefined
} -- temporal
} -- st_fun
} -- vel_x
} -- variable
The following graphs show the differences between smooth
and linear
temporal = {
kind = 'predefined',
predefined = {
kind = 'datafile',
filename = '...',
intp = '...',
ramping = { -- possible
rampVal = ..., -- ramping value
rampT = ... -- ramping time
fac = 1.0, -- default
periodic = 'false' -- default
} -- predefined
} -- temporal
temporal = {
kind = 'predefined',
predefined = {
kind = 'cos',
frequency = 1.0, -- default
phase = 0.0, -- default
offset = 0.0 -- default
} -- predefined
} -- temporal