This routine returns value at the given index. If value is pre-computed and value at given index is returned else value is computing on the points for given index.
If a variable has more than one spacetime function, then result is sum of all spacetime functions
For vectorial variable
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
class(tem_varSys_op_type), | intent(in) | :: | fun |
Description of the method to obtain the variables, here some preset values might be stored, like the space time function to use or the required variables. |
type(tem_varSys_type), | intent(in) | :: | varSys |
The variable system to obtain the variable from. |
type(tem_time_type), | intent(in) | :: | time |
Point in time at which to evaluate the variable. |
integer, | intent(in) | :: | iLevel |
Level on which values are requested |
integer, | intent(in) | :: | idx(:) |
Index of points in the growing array and variable val array to return. Size: nVals |
integer, | intent(in), | optional | :: | idxLen(:) |
With idx as start index in contiguous memory, idxLength defines length of each contiguous memory Size: nVals |
integer, | intent(in) | :: | nVals |
Number of values to obtain for this variable (vectorized access). |
real(kind=rk), | intent(out) | :: | res(:) |
Resulting values for the requested variable. Dimension: n requested entries x nComponents of this variable Access: (iElem-1)*fun%nComponents + iComp |
recursive subroutine get_valOfIndex_add_vector_spacetime( fun, varSys, time, &
& iLevel, idx, &
& idxLen, nVals, res )
!> Description of the method to obtain the variables, here some preset
!! values might be stored, like the space time function to use or the
!! required variables.
class(tem_varSys_op_type), intent(in) :: fun
!> The variable system to obtain the variable from.
type(tem_varSys_type), intent(in) :: varSys
!> Point in time at which to evaluate the variable.
type(tem_time_type), intent(in) :: time
!> Level on which values are requested
integer, intent(in) :: iLevel
!> Index of points in the growing array and variable val array to
!! return.
!! Size: nVals
integer, intent(in) :: idx(:)
!> With idx as start index in contiguous memory,
!! idxLength defines length of each contiguous memory
!! Size: nVals
integer, optional, intent(in) :: idxLen(:)
!> Number of values to obtain for this variable (vectorized access).
integer, intent(in) :: nVals
!> Resulting values for the requested variable.
!! Dimension: n requested entries x nComponents of this variable
!! Access: (iElem-1)*fun%nComponents + iComp
real(kind=rk), intent(out) :: res(:)
integer :: iStFun, iVal, pos, oldPos
type(tem_st_fun_listElem_type), pointer :: fPtr
real(kind=rk) :: st_res(nVals, fun%nComponents)
real(kind=rk) :: st_res_elem(1, fun%nComponents)
! -------------------------------------------------------------------------!
call C_F_POINTER( fun%method_Data, fPtr )
! check if number of index are the same as number of values asked for
call tem_varSys_check_inArgs( fun, varSys, time, iLevel, idx, idxLen, &
& nVals, label = 'get_valOfIndex_add_vector_spacetime' )
st_res = 0.0_rk
do iStFun = 1, fPtr%nVals
if (fPtr%val(iStFun)%subTree%useGlobalMesh) then
st_res = st_res &
& + tem_spacetime_for( me = fPtr%val(iStFun), &
& grwPnt = fPtr%pntData%pntLvl(iLevel) &
& %grwPnt, &
& idx = idx, &
& nVals = nVals, &
& iLevel = ilevel, &
& time = time, &
& nComps = fun%nComponents )
oldPos = 1
do iVal = 1, nVals
if (idx(iVal) > 0) then
! position of element matches with any of map2global then
! this element is part of this subTree
pos = tem_PositionInSorted( &
& me = fPtr%val(iStFun)%subTree%map2global, &
& val = fPtr%pntData%pntLvl(iLevel) &
& %elemPos%val(idx(iVal)), &
& lower = oldPos )
if (pos > 0) then
oldPos = pos
st_res_elem = &
& tem_spacetime_for( me = fPtr%val(iStFun), &
& grwPnt = fPtr%pntData%pntLvl(iLevel) &
& %grwPnt, &
& idx = (/ idx(iVal) /), &
& nVals = 1, &
& iLevel = ilevel, &
& time = time, &
& nComps = fun%nComponents )
st_res(iVal,:) = st_res(iVal,:) + st_res_elem(1,:)
end if ! elemPos(iElem) part of subtree
end if
end do !iVal
end if ! global mesh
end do ! nr. st_funs
do iVal = 1, nVals
res( (iVal-1)*fun%nComponents + 1 : iVal*fun%nComponents ) &
& = st_res(iVal, :)
end do
end subroutine get_valOfIndex_add_vector_spacetime