tem_st_fun_listElem_type Derived Type

type, public :: tem_st_fun_listElem_type

An element for a spacetime function within a linked list.

Besides the actual list of spacetime definitions that are provided, there is a pointer to the next element in the list.


type~~tem_st_fun_listelem_type~~InheritsGraph type~tem_st_fun_listelem_type tem_st_fun_listElem_type type~tem_st_fun_listelem_type->type~tem_st_fun_listelem_type next type~tem_spacetime_fun_type tem_spacetime_fun_type type~tem_st_fun_listelem_type->type~tem_spacetime_fun_type val c_ptr c_ptr type~tem_st_fun_listelem_type->c_ptr solver_bundle type~tem_pointdata_list_type tem_pointData_list_type type~tem_st_fun_listelem_type->type~tem_pointdata_list_type pntData type~tem_shape_type tem_shape_type type~tem_spacetime_fun_type->type~tem_shape_type geom type~flu_state flu_State type~tem_spacetime_fun_type->type~flu_state conf type~tem_polygon_material_type tem_polygon_material_type type~tem_spacetime_fun_type->type~tem_polygon_material_type polygon_material type~tem_miescatter_field_type tem_miescatter_field_type type~tem_spacetime_fun_type->type~tem_miescatter_field_type mie_fun type~tem_cylindricalwave_type tem_cylindricalWave_type type~tem_spacetime_fun_type->type~tem_cylindricalwave_type cylindricalWave tem_precice_coupling_type tem_precice_coupling_type type~tem_spacetime_fun_type->tem_precice_coupling_type precice_coupling type~tem_spatial_type tem_spatial_type type~tem_spacetime_fun_type->type~tem_spatial_type spatial type~tem_subtree_type tem_subTree_type type~tem_spacetime_fun_type->type~tem_subtree_type subTree type~tem_temporal_type tem_temporal_type type~tem_spacetime_fun_type->type~tem_temporal_type temporal type~tem_acoustic_pulse_type tem_acoustic_pulse_type type~tem_spacetime_fun_type->type~tem_acoustic_pulse_type acoustic_pulse type~tem_aps_coupling_type tem_aps_coupling_type type~tem_spacetime_fun_type->type~tem_aps_coupling_type aps_coupling type~tem_pointdata_type tem_pointData_type type~tem_pointdata_list_type->type~tem_pointdata_type pntLvl, mapToTree

Inherited by

type~~tem_st_fun_listelem_type~~InheritedByGraph type~tem_st_fun_listelem_type tem_st_fun_listElem_type type~tem_st_fun_listelem_type->type~tem_st_fun_listelem_type next type~tem_st_fun_linkedlist_type tem_st_fun_linkedList_type type~tem_st_fun_linkedlist_type->type~tem_st_fun_listelem_type head



Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
integer, public :: nVals

Number of space time functions

type(tem_spacetime_fun_type), public, dimension(:), pointer :: val => NULL()

Space time function target which C_ptr will point to We maintain a list of spacetime functions here, as each one might be restricted to a subtree, and multiple of those locally different function definitions might be used to define a single variable like a source term.

type(tem_pointData_list_type), public :: pntData

Points data containing space coordinates or evaluated values for time-indepentent functions

type(c_ptr), public :: solver_bundle

A pointer to possibly additional solver data.

This is for example used to keep a link to the projection data in Ateles to enable the construction of element data from the point data provided by the space-time function.

integer, public :: isSurface = -1

Used to decided whether this spacetime functions are used for surface or volume i.e boundary or source. Boundary is treated as surface and source as volume coupling type can be rather surface or volume. For boundary. isSurface = 0 For volume, isSurface = 1

type(tem_st_fun_listElem_type), public, pointer :: next => NULL()

Pointer to next space time function

Source Code

  type tem_st_fun_listElem_type

    !> Number of space time functions
    integer :: nVals

    !> Space time function target which C_ptr will point to
    !! We maintain a list of spacetime functions here, as each one might be
    !! restricted to a subtree, and multiple of those locally different function
    !! definitions might be used to define a single variable like a source term.
    type(tem_spacetime_fun_type), dimension(:), pointer :: val => NULL()

    !> Points data containing space coordinates or evaluated
    !! values for time-indepentent functions
    type(tem_pointData_list_type) :: pntData

    !> A pointer to possibly additional solver data.
    !! This is for example used to keep a link to the projection data
    !! in Ateles to enable the construction of element data from the
    !! point data provided by the space-time function.
    type(c_ptr) :: solver_bundle

    !> Used to decided whether this spacetime functions are used
    !! for surface or volume i.e boundary or source.
    !! Boundary is treated as surface and source as volume
    !! coupling type can be rather surface or volume.
    !! For boundary. isSurface = 0
    !! For volume, isSurface = 1
    integer :: isSurface = -1

    !> Pointer to next space time function
    type(tem_st_fun_listElem_type), pointer :: next => NULL()

  end type tem_st_fun_listElem_type