Building neighor array
: is neighID and stencil in element_type still used after this?
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
integer, | intent(in) | :: | iStencil |
Index of your neighbor list?? |
type(tem_levelDesc_type), | intent(inout) | :: | levelDesc(tree%global%minLevel:) |
Level descriptor for each level of your mesh (starting from minimum level). |
type(treelmesh_type), | intent(in) | :: | tree |
Tree representation of your mesh. |
type(tem_stencilHeader_type), | intent(in) | :: | computeStencil |
The stencil you build the horizontal dependencies for. |
subroutine tem_build_horizontalDependencies( iStencil, levelDesc, tree, &
& computeStencil )
! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
!> Tree representation of your mesh.
type(treelmesh_type), intent(in) :: tree
!> Level descriptor for each level of your mesh (starting from minimum
!! level).
type(tem_levelDesc_type), intent(inout) :: levelDesc(tree%global%minLevel:)
!> Index of your neighbor list??
integer, intent(in) :: iStencil
!> The stencil you build the horizontal dependencies for.
type(tem_stencilHeader_type), intent(in) :: computeStencil
! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
integer :: iLevel, iIndex
integer :: nElemsWithNeigh
! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
write(logUnit(4),"(A,I0)") 'Build neighbor array for stencil: ', iStencil
do iLevel = tree%global%minLevel,tree%global%maxLevel
if( computeStencil%useAll .and. iStencil == 1 ) then
! JQ: is it possible the 1st stencil does not use all?
! all fluid and ghost and halo elements
nElemsWithNeigh = levelDesc(iLevel)%nElems
else if( computeStencil%useAll ) then
! @todo: the logic of this IF condition is not clear
! all fluid and ghost elements no halos
nElemsWithNeigh = levelDesc(iLevel)%nElems &
& - levelDesc(iLevel)%elem%nElems( eT_halo )
! only the fluids and ghosts??? that have the stencil iStencil
nElemsWithNeigh = computeStencil%elemLvl( iLevel )%nVals
end if
write(logUnit(4),"(A,I2,A,I0)") ' level: ', iLevel, &
& ', nElems to treat: ', nElemsWithNeigh
! allocate the nghElems array with the number of elements this stencil is
! used by
allocate( levelDesc( iLevel )%neigh( iStencil )% &
& nghElems( computeStencil%QQN, nElemsWithNeigh ) )
iIndex = 0
if( computeStencil%QQN > 0 ) then
! we init everything by default with 0 to find a bug as fast as possible
levelDesc( iLevel )%neigh( iStencil )%nghElems(:,:) = 0
if (computeStencil%useAll) then
! write(logUnit(5),*) ' fluid elements ', iIndex
call tem_build_listHorizontalDep( &
& levelDesc = levelDesc( iLevel ), &
& iStencil = iStencil, &
& posInSortElem = levelDesc( iLevel )%totalPnt, &
& nElems = nElemsWithNeigh, &
& iIndex = iIndex )
else ! stencil not using all elements
! write(logUnit(5),*) ' not all elems ', iIndex
call tem_build_treeHorizontalDep( &
& levelDesc = levelDesc( iLevel ), &
& computeStencil = computeStencil, &
& iStencil = iStencil, &
& list = computeStencil%elemLvl( iLevel )%val, &
& nElems = nElemsWithNeigh, &
& tree = tree )
end if
end if
end do ! iLevel
end subroutine tem_build_horizontalDependencies