tem_calcTriaAreas Subroutine

public subroutine tem_calcTriaAreas(me)

This subroutine calculates the surface area attached to each point


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(tem_surfData_type), intent(inout) :: me

datatype to store the surface information


proc~~tem_calctriaareas~~CallsGraph proc~tem_calctriaareas tem_calcTriaAreas proc~cross_product3d cross_product3D proc~tem_calctriaareas->proc~cross_product3d


Source Code

Source Code

  subroutine tem_calcTriaAreas( me )
    ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    !> datatype to store the surface information
    type( tem_surfData_type ), intent(inout) :: me
    ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ! counters
    integer :: iTria
    ! temporary variable to store the triangle area
    real(kind=rk) :: area
    ! temporary vectors of two sides of the triangle
    real(kind=rk) :: vec1(3), vec2(3)
    ! temporary variable storing the start and end positions in the pointCoords
    ! array
    integer :: minPos1, maxPos1, minPos2, maxPos2, minPos3, maxPos3
    ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

    ! reset the array of surface areas
    me%surfArea = 0._rk

    ! loop over the triangles and ...
    do iTria = 1, me%nTrias
      ! ... set the minimum and maximum positions in the pointCoords array
      minPos1 = (me%trias(1, iTria) - 1 )*3 + 1
      maxPos1 = (me%trias(1, iTria) - 1 )*3 + 3
      minPos2 = (me%trias(2, iTria) - 1 )*3 + 1
      maxPos2 = (me%trias(2, iTria) - 1 )*3 + 3
      minPos3 = (me%trias(3, iTria) - 1 )*3 + 1
      maxPos3 = (me%trias(3, iTria) - 1 )*3 + 3
!      if( me%parentIDs(iLevel)%ptrs(me%trias(1, iTria)) > 0 .and.              &
!        & me%parentIDs(iLevel)%ptrs(me%trias(2, iTria)) > 0 .and.              &
!        & me%parentIDs(iLevel)%ptrs(me%trias(3, iTria)) > 0 )then
        ! ... calculate two vectors of the triangle
        vec1 = me%pointCoords(minPos1:maxPos1)                                 &
          &  - me%pointCoords(minPos2:maxPos2)
        vec2 = me%pointCoords(minPos1:maxPos1)                                 &
          &  - me%pointCoords(minPos3:maxPos3)
        ! ... calculate the surface area of the triangle
        area = sqrt( sum( cross_product3D( vec1, vec2 )**2))
        ! ... distribute it among the attached surface points
        me%surfArea( me%trias(1, iTria)) = me%surfArea( me%trias(1, iTria))    &
          &                              + area/3._rk
        me%surfArea( me%trias(2, iTria)) = me%surfArea( me%trias(2, iTria))    &
          &                              + area/3._rk
        me%surfArea( me%trias(3, iTria)) = me%surfArea( me%trias(3, iTria))    &
          &                              + area/3._rk
!      end if
    end do

  end subroutine tem_calcTriaAreas