tem_intpMatrixLSF_type Derived Type

type, public :: tem_intpMatrixLSF_type

This derived type encapsulates the definition of least square fit matrix for interpolation method which is required for every combination of available nSourceFromCoarser


type~~tem_intpmatrixlsf_type~~InheritsGraph type~tem_intpmatrixlsf_type tem_intpMatrixLSF_type type~grw_matrixarray_type grw_matrixarray_type type~tem_intpmatrixlsf_type->type~grw_matrixarray_type matArray type~grw_logicalarray_type grw_logicalarray_type type~tem_intpmatrixlsf_type->type~grw_logicalarray_type isInvertible type~dyn_intarray_type dyn_intarray_type type~tem_intpmatrixlsf_type->type~dyn_intarray_type ID type~tem_matrix_type tem_matrix_type type~grw_matrixarray_type->type~tem_matrix_type val



Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
type(grw_matrixarray_type), public :: matArray
type(dyn_intarray_type), public :: ID

Unique hash ID to identify different combination of available nSourceFromCoarser

integer, public :: nCoeffs

nCoeffs required for least square fit. Depends on nDims and order of interpolation

type(grw_logicalarray_type), public :: isInvertible

For every matrix in matArray, store if its invertible or not to avoid rebuilding singular matrix

Source Code

  type tem_intpMatrixLSF_type
    type(grw_matrixArray_type) :: matArray
    !> Unique hash ID to identify different combination of available
    !! nSourceFromCoarser
    type(dyn_intArray_type) :: ID
    !> nCoeffs required for least square fit.
    !! Depends on nDims and order of interpolation
    integer:: nCoeffs
    !> For every matrix in matArray, store if its invertible or not
    !! to avoid rebuilding singular matrix
    type(grw_logicalArray_type) :: isInvertible
  end type tem_intpMatrixLSF_type