Datatype for the vrtx dependend information. A dynamic array and a growing array are 'coupled'. The comparison between the real coordinates is shifted to the integer comparison of the dynamic array. The size of the two arrays are the same. Additionally a map of the 8 vertices for each element to the global index is stored.
Type | Visibility | Attributes | Name | Initial | |||
integer, | public | :: | nVertices |
total number of vertices |
type(grw_real2darray_type), | public | :: | coord |
growing array to store the coordinates |
integer, | public, | allocatable | :: | map2global(:,:) |
map of vertices for each element to global index vrtx_index_map(nelems, 8 vertices) |
integer, | public | :: | maxVertices |
simulation time that coordinate info belongs to max number of vertices |
logical, | public, | allocatable | :: | refine(:) |
array of elements with qValues |
type tem_vrtx_type
!> total number of vertices
integer :: nVertices
!> growing array to store the coordinates
type(grw_real2dArray_type) :: coord
!> map of vertices for each element to global index
!! vrtx_index_map(nelems, 8 vertices)
integer, allocatable :: map2global(:,:)
!> simulation time that coordinate info belongs to
! real(kind=rk) :: sim_time
!> max number of vertices
integer :: maxVertices
!> array of elements with qValues
logical, allocatable :: refine(:)
end type tem_vrtx_type