Type | Visibility | Attributes | Name | Initial | |||
integer, | private | :: | vis_kind | Kind of visualization file to use for the output. |
character(len=PathLen), | private | :: | basename | Basename to use for the output files. |
type(tem_comm_env_type), | private | :: | proc | Process description to use for the output. Might be only a subset of the global communicator |
type(hvs_vtk_file_type), | private | :: | vtk | Description for vtk output |
type(hvs_ascii_type), | private | :: | ascii | Description for ascii output |
type(hvs_asciiSpatial_type), | private | :: | asciiSpatial | Description for ascii output |
type(tem_restart_type), | private | :: | restart | Description for harvester output i.e restart format |
type(tem_time_type), | private | :: | time | Point in time for which this output should be done. |
integer, | private | :: | nVars | Number of variables to write to this file. |
integer, | private, | allocatable | :: | varPos(:) | List of variable positions to write into this file. |
type(tem_vrtx_type), | private | :: | vrtx | Vertex information of elements within the tracking shape. Required for vtk output |
real(kind=rk), | private, | allocatable | :: | bary(:,:) | Store the barycenters for the linearized tree elements it has a size of ( nElems, 3 ). Used in dump AsciiSpatial It is set in hvs_output_init It is used in hvs_output_write Need to UPDATE after balance |
integer, | private | :: | nDofs | is there any transient reduction active? Then this tracking must be updated every timestep! transient reductions which collect and reduce data over several timesteps The number of dofs for each scalar variable of the equation system |
logical, | private | :: | useGetPoint | Logic to decide to use get_point or get_element to dump data |