atl_nerplanck_numflux_solve Interface

public interface atl_nerplanck_numflux_solve


interface~~atl_nerplanck_numflux_solve~~CallsGraph interface~atl_nerplanck_numflux_solve atl_nerplanck_numflux_solve proc~nerplanck_numflux_concentration nerplanck_numflux_concentration interface~atl_nerplanck_numflux_solve->proc~nerplanck_numflux_concentration


Module Procedures

private subroutine nerplanck_numflux_concentration(left, right, diffusivity, flux)

Subroutine to calculate the numerical flux for the first equation (u)

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real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: left(4)

Left state vector (as conservative variables). The order of this vector has to be where and denoted concentration (scalar) and diffusive fluxes (vector).

real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: right(4)

Right state vector (as conservative variables). The order of this vector has to be where and denoted concentration (scalar) and diffusive fluxes (vector).

real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: diffusivity

The diffusivity in the left and right cell. Since this is assumed to be equal in both cells, this flux function cannot be used to calculate the flux for cells with different material properties

real(kind=rk), intent(out) :: flux

The flux between left and right cell. The order of this vector is the same as the input arguments.