atl_acoustic_numflux_cube_vec Subroutine

private subroutine atl_acoustic_numflux_cube_vec(nTotalFaces, nSides, nFaceDofs, faceRep, faceFlux, leftPos, rightPos, var, acoustic, idir)

VK leftstate = faceRep(left,iDof,var,2) VK rightstate = faceRep(right,iDof,var,1) VK VK ! call lax friedrich flux VK call atl_laxFriedAcoustic(left = leftstate, & VK & right = rightstate, & VK & acoustic = acoustic, & VK & flux = flux, & VK & iDir = idir ) VK VK faceFlux(left,iDof,var,2) = flux

VK !upwind case (at the moment not needed, since U0=0) VK faceFlux(left, iDof,var,2)= faceRep(left,iDof,var,2) VK faceFlux(right,iDof,var,1) = faceFlux(left,iDof,var,2) VK


integer, intent(in) :: nTotalFaces
integer, intent(in) :: nSides
integer, intent(in) :: nFaceDofs
real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: faceRep(nTotalFaces,nFaceDofs,4,2)
real(kind=rk), intent(inout) :: faceFlux(nTotalFaces,nFaceDofs,4,2)
integer, intent(in) :: leftPos(nSides)
integer, intent(in) :: rightPos(nsides)
integer, intent(in) :: var(4)
type(atl_acoustic_type), intent(in) :: acoustic

Datatype for acoustic equation include all background data

integer, intent(in) :: idir

Direction of the flow, used for background velocity


proc~~atl_acoustic_numflux_cube_vec~~CallsGraph proc~atl_acoustic_numflux_cube_vec atl_acoustic_numflux_cube_vec proc~atl_acoustic_numflux_onedir atl_acoustic_numFlux_oneDir proc~atl_acoustic_numflux_cube_vec->proc~atl_acoustic_numflux_onedir

Called by

proc~~atl_acoustic_numflux_cube_vec~~CalledByGraph proc~atl_acoustic_numflux_cube_vec atl_acoustic_numflux_cube_vec interface~atl_acoustic_numflux atl_acoustic_numflux interface~atl_acoustic_numflux->proc~atl_acoustic_numflux_cube_vec proc~atl_modg_acoustic_numflux atl_modg_acoustic_numFlux proc~atl_modg_acoustic_numflux->interface~atl_acoustic_numflux proc~compute_rhs_cubes_modg compute_rhs_cubes_modg proc~compute_rhs_cubes_modg->proc~atl_modg_acoustic_numflux proc~compute_rhs_cubes compute_rhs_cubes proc~compute_rhs_cubes->proc~compute_rhs_cubes_modg



integer, private :: iSide

VK real(kind=rk) :: leftstate(4), rightstate(4) VK real(kind=rk) :: flux(4)

integer, private :: left

VK real(kind=rk) :: leftstate(4), rightstate(4) VK real(kind=rk) :: flux(4)

integer, private :: right

VK real(kind=rk) :: leftstate(4), rightstate(4) VK real(kind=rk) :: flux(4)

integer, private :: iDof

VK real(kind=rk) :: leftstate(4), rightstate(4) VK real(kind=rk) :: flux(4)

integer, private :: iter

VK real(kind=rk) :: leftstate(4), rightstate(4) VK real(kind=rk) :: flux(4)