atl_modg_acoustic_physFlux Subroutine

public subroutine atl_modg_acoustic_physFlux(equation, res, state, iElem, iDir, penalizationData, poly_proj, material, nodal_data, nodal_GradData, nodal_res, ElemLength, scheme_min, scheme_current)

Calculate the physical flux for the MODG scheme and Acoustic equation.


type(atl_Equations_type), intent(in) :: equation

The equation system we are working with

real(kind=rk), intent(inout) :: res(:,:)

The result in the modal form

real(kind=rk), intent(in), optional :: state(:,:)

The state in the modal form

integer, intent(in) :: iElem

The current element index

integer, intent(in) :: iDir

The current direction

type(atl_penalizationData_type), intent(inout) :: penalizationData

The Penalization data

type(ply_poly_project_type), intent(inout) :: poly_proj

The projection datatype for the projection information

type(atl_material_type), intent(inout) :: material

The material information

real(kind=rk), intent(in), optional :: nodal_data(:,:)

The state data in the nodal form

real(kind=rk), intent(in), optional :: nodal_GradData(:,:,:)
real(kind=rk), intent(inout) :: nodal_res(:,:)

The result in the nodal form

real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: ElemLength

The length of the current element

type(atl_scheme_type), intent(inout) :: scheme_min

The scheme information of the min level (This is needed for the temp

type(atl_scheme_type), intent(inout) :: scheme_current

Information about the current level


proc~~atl_modg_acoustic_physflux~~CallsGraph proc~atl_modg_acoustic_physflux atl_modg_acoustic_physFlux proc~atl_acoustic_physflux atl_acoustic_physFlux proc~atl_modg_acoustic_physflux->proc~atl_acoustic_physflux



integer, private :: iDof
integer, private :: nDofs
integer, private :: rot(4)