atl_modg_scaledTransposedProject_physFlux_Q Subroutine

public subroutine atl_modg_scaledTransposedProject_physFlux_Q(nScalars, maxPolyDegree, length, nElems, state, iDir, dirVec)

Projection of the physical flux for the local predictor: This function expects the physical flux transformed in the basis of test-polynomials and projects it onto the ansatz-functions. Thus, the result is directly given in the basis of ansatz-polynomials (no invMassMatrix-call needed afterwards)

This function implements the multiplication with the transposed stiffness matrix and some useful scaling factors


integer, intent(in) :: nScalars

The number of scalar variables in your equation system.

integer, intent(in) :: maxPolyDegree

The maximal polynomial degree in each spatial direction.

real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: length

The length of the cubes.

integer, intent(in) :: nElems

The element index to project for

real(kind=rk), intent(inout) :: state(:,:,:,:)

The state to alter.

integer, intent(in) :: iDir
integer, intent(in) :: dirVec(3)

ordering of xyz for current direction



real(kind=rk), private :: scaledJacobiDetStiffProj
real(kind=rk), private :: scalProd1(maxPolyDegree)
integer, private :: testPos
integer, private :: iTest2
integer, private :: iTest1
integer, private :: iTest3
integer, private :: iTestVec(3)
integer, private :: iAnsVec(3)
integer, private :: iVar
integer, private :: ansPos(4)
real(kind=rk), private :: scalProd
integer, private :: ij