modg_1d_volToFace_Q Subroutine

private subroutine modg_1d_volToFace_Q(volState, maxPolyDegree, faceDir, nScalars, nElems, faceState)

Projects derivative of modal representation of each cell to its faces, i.e. this subroutine creates a modal representation on the faces. Project modal representation of an element to one of its faces for Q space.

Project modal representation of an element onto one of its faces. Therefore, this function returns the modal representation of the solution on the face. This function can project onto an arbitrary face direction.


real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: volState(:,:,:)

The modal representation in the volume. First dimension is the number of voluemtrix numbers of degrees of freedom and second dimension is the number of scalar variables in the equation system.

integer, intent(in) :: maxPolyDegree

The maximal polynomial degree per spatial direction.

integer, intent(in) :: faceDir

The face to project the modal representation to. Use one of the first six directions of \link tem_param_module \endlink, e.g. \link tem_param_module::q__e \endlink

integer, intent(in) :: nScalars

The number of scalar variables in your equation system.

integer, intent(in) :: nElems

The number of elements

real(kind=rk), intent(inout) :: faceState(:,:,:,:)

The modal representation on the face


proc~~modg_1d_voltoface_q~~CallsGraph proc~modg_1d_voltoface_q modg_1d_volToFace_Q proc~tem_abort tem_abort proc~modg_1d_voltoface_q->proc~tem_abort proc~ply_facevalleftbndans ply_faceValLeftBndAns proc~modg_1d_voltoface_q->proc~ply_facevalleftbndans

Called by

proc~~modg_1d_voltoface_q~~CalledByGraph proc~modg_1d_voltoface_q modg_1d_volToFace_Q proc~atl_modg_1d_modalvoltomodalface~2 atl_modg_1d_modalVolToModalFace proc~atl_modg_1d_modalvoltomodalface~2->proc~modg_1d_voltoface_q



integer, private :: iElem
integer, private :: iVar
integer, private :: pos
integer, private :: iAnsX
integer, private :: leftOrRight
real(kind=rk), private :: faceVal