modg_prj_pflux2_q_5 Subroutine

private subroutine modg_prj_pflux2_q_5(maxpolydegree, length, state, dl_prod, ielem, state_der)

Y direction for 5 scalars projection of the physical flux onto the testfunctions, with unrolled loops

do itest1=2,maxpolydegree+1 prescal(itest1-1) = ply_scalprodduallegdiff(itest1-1, itest1) & & * jacobidetstiffproj end do


integer, intent(in) :: maxpolydegree

the maximal polynomial degree in each spatial direction.

real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: length

the length of the cubes.

real(kind=rk), intent(inout) :: state(:,:,:)

the state to alter.

real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: dl_prod(2,maxpolydegree+1)

precomputed dual legendre products:

integer, intent(in) :: ielem
real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: state_der(:,:)

the state to be used to project the physical fluxes

Called by

proc~~modg_prj_pflux2_q_5~~CalledByGraph proc~modg_prj_pflux2_q_5 modg_prj_pflux2_q_5 proc~atl_modg_project_physflux_testfunc atl_modg_project_PhysFlux_testFunc proc~atl_modg_project_physflux_testfunc->proc~modg_prj_pflux2_q_5 proc~modg_compute_project_physflux modg_compute_project_physFlux proc~modg_compute_project_physflux->proc~atl_modg_project_physflux_testfunc proc~compute_rhs_cubes_modg compute_rhs_cubes_modg proc~compute_rhs_cubes_modg->proc~modg_compute_project_physflux proc~compute_rhs_cubes compute_rhs_cubes proc~compute_rhs_cubes->proc~compute_rhs_cubes_modg



real(kind=rk), private :: jacobidetstiffproj


real(kind=rk), private :: prescal


integer, private :: testpos
integer, private :: itest2
integer, private :: itest1
integer, private :: itest3
integer, private :: min2mpd
integer, private :: ians1
integer, private :: ians2
integer, private :: ians3
integer, private :: ivar
integer, private :: anspos1
integer, private :: anspos2
integer, private :: anspos3
integer, private :: anspos4
real(kind=rk), private :: scalprod1
real(kind=rk), private :: scalprod2
real(kind=rk), private :: scalprod3
real(kind=rk), private :: scalprod4
integer, private :: jk