atl_legpolyvar_type Derived Type

type, private :: atl_legpolyvar_type

Configuration for a legpolyvar.

The legpolyvar lets you describe a spatial function with the help of a multidimensional Legendre polynomial series, as found as basis functions in the solver elements.

The Legendre modes are read from a file in restart format (all modes written unformatted consecutively into a file).



integer, private :: poly_space

Polynomial space of the multidimensional polynomial (Q or P)

integer, private :: nDims

Dimensionality of the polynomial (needs to be between 1 and 3).

onedimensional polynomial series only vary in X, twodimensional in X and Y.

integer, private :: degree

Maximal polynomial degree in the polynomial series.

integer, private :: iComp

State component in the given file for the data to read.

The polynomial definition in the file may contain multiple quantities. iComp specifies, which of them to use for this function.

real(kind=rk), private :: origin(3)

Position of the origin corner for the box, the Legendre polynomials are to live in.

real(kind=rk), private :: extent

Extent of the box the Legendre polynomial series is defined in.

character(len=pathLen), private :: filename

Name of the file to read the polynomial coefficients from.

This file needs to contain the polynomial data in the same format as in the Ateles restart files, but only a single element is considered. Layout of the data is given by poly_space, nDims and degree.