atl_materialFun_type Derived Type

type, public :: atl_materialFun_type

Generic description of material property functions.


type~~atl_materialfun_type~~InheritsGraph type~atl_materialfun_type atl_materialFun_type type~atl_mode_reduction_type atl_mode_reduction_type type~atl_materialfun_type->type~atl_mode_reduction_type mode_reduction

Inherited by

type~~atl_materialfun_type~~InheritedByGraph type~atl_materialfun_type atl_materialFun_type type~atl_acoustic_type atl_acoustic_type type~atl_acoustic_type->type~atl_materialfun_type penalization type~atl_equations_type atl_Equations_type type~atl_equations_type->type~atl_materialfun_type material type~atl_equations_type->type~atl_acoustic_type Acoustic type~atl_heat_type atl_heat_type type~atl_equations_type->type~atl_heat_type heat type~atl_lineareuler_type atl_LinearEuler_type type~atl_equations_type->type~atl_lineareuler_type LinearEuler type~atl_heat_type->type~atl_materialfun_type penalization type~atl_lineareuler_type->type~atl_materialfun_type penalization type~atl_varsys_solverdata_type atl_varSys_solverData_type type~atl_varsys_solverdata_type->type~atl_equations_type equationPtr type~atl_varsys_data_type atl_varSys_data_type type~atl_varsys_data_type->type~atl_varsys_solverdata_type solverData


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
integer, public :: nMat

The number of material parameters used by the equation system.

integer, public, allocatable :: nScalars(:)

Number of scalar entries to describe the material.

integer, public, allocatable :: matvar_pos(:)

The indizes of variables in the global varSys that are used as material's, penalization's or whatever's data sources.

This array is initialized while reading the present mappings from the configuration.

logical, public :: is_transient

Flag to indicate whether the material may be varying over time and thus requires updates over time.

character(len=labelLen), public, allocatable :: matParNames(:)

The names of the material parameter.

This can be used together with nScalars to find the position of the different material parameter components in the material data arrays. Attention: We store the prefixed name of the material parameter, not the name of the material variable in the configuration's variable table. This name can be achieved via the input_varName stored in the variable system.

type(atl_mode_reduction_type), public :: mode_reduction

Settings for mode reduction, i.e. reducing the modes where possible to decrease computational effort.